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Basic roles & variations

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Basic roles & variations Empty Basic roles & variations

Post by Leo E. Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:50 am

We've had some confusion recently as to how some more basic roles work. While the specific workings of each role is left up to the mod of that particular game, it's good to know what some of the basic roles are and how they work. You can find all of these on the wiki, but it's good to have them all on one page so you don't have to go looking around.

Here they are listed by which side they are normally on. Note that most roles can be used effectively for the other team with little or no changes.

(Note: If a role has an asterisk after a word in its name, that word is a modifier that can technically be attached to any role you want, but usually isn't.)

DA EDIT: Here's a hand flash file containing some common and uncommon roles as well, but PLEASE, I implore you to also read what's down below.
Credit goes to mikeburnfire for his awesome compendium. Anyways:

And now back to the original message!

Roles that are usually Town-aligned


Roles that are usually Mafia-aligned


Roles that are usually Third-Party


There you have it. There are plenty more roles listed on the wiki, and you are free to make up whatever roles you want when hosting your own round.
Leo E.
Leo E.
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Basic roles & variations Empty Re: Basic roles & variations

Post by Zyquux Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:44 pm

Leo wrote:Note that for the purposes of insta-lynches, a Doublevoter usually counts as two people (for example, if there are nine players left, normally five votes would be needed for an insta-lynch; however, since the Doublevoter means there are effectively ten players' worth of votes, six votes would instead be required for an insta-lynch).

I thought that a doublevoter just has two votes, not count as two people, meaning that they could insta-lynch by themselves. Either that, or their single public vote counts as 2.
Vintage Guy
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Basic roles & variations Empty Re: Basic roles & variations

Post by Leo E. Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:47 pm

Zyquux wrote:I thought that a doublevoter just has two votes, not count as two people, meaning that they could insta-lynch by themselves. Either that, or their single public vote counts as 2.
This is usually up to the moderator, but it's more often like that because it stops the doublevoter from having too much influence on an insta-lynch. And it's also up to the mod whether their vote is simply doubled, or if they can vote for two different people.

EDIT: This also goes hand-in-hand with what happened in Axel's round. If there's, say, two Mafia and two Townies left in the morning, normally you'd call the round in favor of the Mafia, but a Doublevoter can change that easily, so it's easier to count him as two people for this stuff.
Leo E.
Leo E.
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Basic roles & variations Empty Re: Basic roles & variations

Post by Zyquux Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:44 pm

So general guidelines for Halolz mafia roles: No Jokers, no lynchers, only one vanilla (if any), as few enablers as possible.

Just my observations. Feel free to correct me.
Vintage Guy
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Basic roles & variations Empty Re: Basic roles & variations

Post by Link Lab Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:02 am

Why only one vanilla townie? Why a low number of enablers? Our earlier rounds had plenty of townies but then we went a bit mad with the power roles. Games with more townies tend to be balanced a lot better. Also, round 13 was one uber-power role with about 7 enablers and a backup. That was a good round. The one thing that's a bit unbalanced was the town-aligned survivor.

No lynchers and no jesters is pretty much definite though.
Link Lab
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Basic roles & variations Empty Re: Basic roles & variations

Post by Mentle Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:16 am

What Link said. We started going too far with roles to promote funny night shenanigans and because being a vanilla townie can be kind of boring. We ended reaching a point where multiple town-aligned roles worked against the town due to great night action fuckery and roleclaims.
Vintage Guy
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Basic roles & variations Empty Re: Basic roles & variations

Post by Zyquux Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:21 pm

I'll give you the townies thing, but by enablers, I meant one enabler for one person. For example, the doctor, the cop, and the vigilante having their own enablers. If one of them gets killed by the early random lynches, it isn't as fun for the survivor. A whole round based on enabling is fine though, because there is less of a chance that a random lynch will leave people useless, and more importantly, bored.
Vintage Guy
Vintage Guy

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Basic roles & variations Empty Re: Basic roles & variations

Post by DA Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:38 pm

Finally found this sucker
Embedding it to the OP
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