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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly!

Leo E.
Hunter Axel
Link Lab
18 posters

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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty Re: Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly!

Post by Zyquux Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:11 pm

Voting for Stalin.

Mentle, I swear, if you are mafia, I will make entire post of facepalms for not trusting my gut.

Phoenix - 1 - Stalin
Stalin - 3 - Phoenix, Mentlegen, Zyquux
Vintage Guy
Vintage Guy

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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue380/600Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (380/600)
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue1420/1500Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (1420/1500)

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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty Re: Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly!

Post by Cloak Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:13 pm

Game Over.
Need time to make the update because I have shit to do.
Vintage Guy
Vintage Guy

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ANV Character
Name: Fluffles
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue720/800Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (720/800)
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue415/500Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (415/500)

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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty Re: Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly!

Post by StalinCommander Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:08 pm

Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Tumblr_m92madJL9g1qj1gga

Last edited by StalinCommander on Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:09 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fucking...fuck ment and his...logic.)
Guy in Charge
Guy in Charge

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ANV Character
Name: Dr. Vladiovich Von Krusteacov Ruskieman
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue308/400Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (308/400)
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue920/1000Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (920/1000)

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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty Re: Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly!

Post by Cloak Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:19 pm

It was a solemn occasion. There were a mere 4 suspects left. If they chose wrong today, there would only be one person left against the criminal. Mayor Mentlegen sighed. “Okay. Let's count the votes. Commissioner?” “Just let me open it up...” With only 4 votes left to count, it didn't take long. “Stalin, it seems you're up. Come up and claim your handcuffs.” “What? It's not me, it's that crazy old bird, Phoenix!” “Quiet! I was out at the cemetary with Phoenix last night! There's no way he could have killed Spplmj!” “And I was at the police station keeping track of the ankle bracelets!” Officer Zyquux had been humiliated enough. “It's over, Stalin. Come in peacefully.” The commissioner stepped toward him with a pair of handcuffs. “Damnit... DAMNIT!” Stalin bolted for the door. *BANG* “GAH!! MY LEG! YOU BI-” A prompt interruption by a feathery fist to the face. “I'm not crazy. I'm ECCENTRIC.” Bell rung and leg shot, Stalin had no choice but to submit. “Damnit... you'll pay for this...” “Not for at least 25 to life, we won't.”

“Are you sure this will work?” Mentlegen was skeptical, to say the least. “Of course I'm sure, why did you think I sent that thug out to find it?” Phoenix was holding a coffee mug with a picture of Jesus on it. “Oh, Holy Grail, please grant our wish and bring our dearly departed back to us.” Nothing happened. *sigh* “Well, I guess it was worth a sh- OH MY GOD!” Suddenly, a beam of light and a few drops of coffee shot out of the mug. The earth in front of the graves stirred, and out of the ground came Zink, Leo, Scept, and Spplmj. “I... I... welcome back.” Nobody was going to believe this one.

Back at Town Hall, everyone was gathered for Mayor Mentlegens speech. “Through perserverance, more than a little luck, and a completely absurd series of events, we've all come through this alive. I hope we can continue to work together for a better futu-” “Excuse me...” “Oh, yes... hehe... also, with Mayor “Axel” McMonkeys revival, I'll be handing the office of mayor back to him.” “Thank you, dear. Good work, everyone. I'm proud of you all. Now, we've held you here long enough, get out of here. Go have some fun!” And with that, the group left town hall to go live their lives.


The Prey have chosen correctly, and lynched the final Predator. All corpses were retrieved, repaired, and revived succesfully. This experiment is considered a success. Good job, all around.


Subjects still have no idea that they are the actual experiment. Lab conditions remain SMASHING. These two seem to be SMASHING for the public eye. The Director has a great eye for potential.

Who watches the watchmen indeed.

Stalin paid the price for making the host look like an idiot.
Mentlegen stepped down but got to keep the pay increase.
What those two weren't told: If the game comes down to a 1v1 Cat Fight between them, the result is determined via d3. A 1 means they both die and the game is a draw. A 2 means Mentle and the town wins. A 3 means Stalin and the Mafia wins.

Phoenix did a fairly good job this time.
Zyquux went wee wee wee all night long.
What he wasn't told: Due to excessive bullying as a youth, the Platypus, Spp, became an Introvert, and communicates primarily via internet and phone. As such, you will not see him when he busses your watching target. You WILL, however, notice the switch.
Vintage Guy
Vintage Guy

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ANV Character
Name: Fluffles
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue720/800Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (720/800)
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue415/500Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (415/500)

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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty Re: Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly!

Post by Vatonnage Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:25 pm

Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm Picard Facepalm
Vintage Guy
Vintage Guy

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Age : 29

ANV Character
Name: [MLG]xXxDaRknEss420_n0sc0purxXx
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue770/860Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (770/860)
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue475/500Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (475/500)

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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty Re: Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly!

Post by Cloak Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:26 pm

Night Actions:

Night 1

Zyquux watches Mentle

Phoenix sends Leo out for eggs

Draco steals from Zink

Stalin kills Zink

Link blocks Leo

Spp switches Vat and Stalin

Scept investigates Zyq

Leo removes Nyu's Vote

Night 2

Zyquux watches Leo

Phoenix sends Vat to find the Holy Grail

Scept investigates Nyu

Draco steals from Mentle

Spp switches Mentle and Leo

Stalin kills Mentle

Link blocks Scept

Night 3

Zyquux watches Himself

Stalin kills Scept

Link blocks Phoenix

Scept investigates Link

Phoenix sends Scept to rescue Little Jimmy

Spp swaps Mentle and Phoenix

Night 4

Stalin kills Scept

Link blocks Zyquux

Phoenix sends Spp to find a doctor

Zyquux watches Phoenix

Spp switches Phoenix and Zyquux

Night 5

Stalin kills Spp

Link blocks Mentle (Ded)

Zyquux watches Stalin

Spp swaps Stalin and Zyq

Phoenix places flowers with Mentle

Night 6:
Didn't get any.
Vintage Guy
Vintage Guy

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ANV Character
Name: Fluffles
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue720/800Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (720/800)
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue415/500Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (415/500)

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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty Re: Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly!

Post by Cloak Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:30 pm

Big Damn Hero Award: Spplmj

You Wa BLOCKED: Scept

Curse of the Survivor: Zink
Come on guys, this is getting ridiculous.

That Almost Worked: Stalin.
He levied your expectations of Phoenix Fuck Up and Cloak Logic against you.
You seriously thought I wouldn't put in a doctor?
And 2 roles that could use a selection of abilities depending on luck?

Psychic Award: Nyu/Stalin
Nyu: "Abstain the Sly sonnavabitch",
when one of the roles made a reference to the Raccoon of the same name.

Stalin: "Un-BEAR-able"
on the night of nyu's death

Most Fun to Write for: Phoenix
Dem night actions.

Last edited by Cloak on Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
Vintage Guy
Vintage Guy

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ANV Character
Name: Fluffles
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue720/800Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (720/800)
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue415/500Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (415/500)

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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty Re: Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly!

Post by Zyquux Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:31 pm

Well played everyone. I actually had to think about this one.

Cloak makes best mind screw rounds.
Vintage Guy
Vintage Guy

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ANV Character
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue380/600Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (380/600)
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue1420/1500Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (1420/1500)

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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty Re: Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly!

Post by Mentle Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:34 pm

Picard Facepalm
We win, yay, great, nextroundplease.
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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty Re: Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly!

Post by spplmj Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:37 pm

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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty Re: Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly!

Post by StalinCommander Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:50 pm

I want to go get a burger.
Only the taste of pure capitalisim will wash this out of my mouth.
Guy in Charge
Guy in Charge

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ANV Character
Name: Dr. Vladiovich Von Krusteacov Ruskieman
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue308/400Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (308/400)
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue920/1000Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (920/1000)

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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty Re: Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly!

Post by Nyu-Shark Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:53 pm


I am impressed beyond words. Though I am not as emotionally afflicted due to my easily losing role....and my horseboner luck.

Impressive game my fellow gents. This calls for a classy celebration, with fedoras and vests.
An Octavia is fine too
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 1596820-20Octavia20animated20artist3Amihaaaa20clapping20clopplauding20gif20reaction_image20reaction_ponies
Vintage Guy
Vintage Guy

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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty Re: Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly!

Post by Hunter Axel Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:50 pm

Well done everyone! I knew Stalin looked suspicious after at comment when Zink was killed.

Welp I have to get back to mayor duties, so see you in the next round.
Hunter Axel
Hunter Axel
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ANV Character
Name: Minerva
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue710/800Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (710/800)
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue490/500Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (490/500)

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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty Re: Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly!

Post by Scept Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:29 pm

Whoo! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Now on to HALOLZ!
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ANV Character
Name: Lynn
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue520/600Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (520/600)
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue1400/1500Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (1400/1500)


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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty Re: Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly!

Post by Archer Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:13 pm

Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 4872

Ment ends up destroying Stalin

like always

Vintage Guy
Vintage Guy

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ANV Character
Name: Dente - El Exterminador de Demonios Dos
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue320/400Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (320/400)
Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Left_bar_bleue955/1000Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty_bar_bleue  (955/1000)

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Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly! - Page 9 Empty Re: Round 28: Furry Mafia: Let the Fur Fly!

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