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IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons

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Should we expand our horizons?

IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons I_vote_lcap80%IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons I_vote_rcap 80% 
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IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons I_vote_lcap20%IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons I_vote_rcap 20% 
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Total Votes : 15
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IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons Empty IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons

Post by DA Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:32 pm

Archived Skype Discussion below. Read it if you have no idea what's going on.

So, gentlemen, we need to expand our horizons a bit. But before we do that, we must answer the question "Is this really necessary?" for which I devised the poll above this post.

The forums have been going through a pretty slow activity deficit, going into a direct nosedive.
People have suggested that we make this like CoF, I.E. more discussion oriented.

Please leave your thoughts and a vote to help me decide.

If we do decide that broadening our horizons is the right way, do not, I repeat, DO NOT go around advertising the forum to everyone else just yet.
We will devise a way to slowly but surely gain the members we need. Speaking of Member Control, Leo is right. We have 2, highly active mods (himself included) in this joint (+ me, but I don't really consider myself "active").

Uh... crap... I forgot what else I was gonna say.

Last edited by DA on Sun Feb 17, 2013 3:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons Empty Re: IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons

Post by Yoshi Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:06 pm

I support this idea on account that we need more variety in these here forums..since we can only mafia soooo much.
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IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons Empty Re: IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons

Post by Archer Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:26 pm


-We don't have to address news that affect our interests (e.g.: Videogames, anime, someone took over the world, something we wanna report) to the Skype chat every time someone logs on and notices for the tenth time.
-It'll leave more open discussion on Skype since we can micromanage discussions better
-More people and we actually have competent/active mods
-We just need to advertise this to the right people if we ever will
-We don't need all THAT many more people anyway since it's just for mafia
-We just may need it due to lack of people joining and shizzniggles
-Who the hell actually thinks CoF is coming back anytime soon


-Possibility of retards
-...well I personally can't think of much else.

Yeah that's just my two cents. Don't expect me to care unless we actually do things. Whether we need this or not is really up to the all of us.
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IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons Empty Re: IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons

Post by Zink120 Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:53 pm

Funny thing, my housemate asked to join just a few minutes before I saw this thread.

I don't really see the point of going massively public, and I really like knowing (roughly) who everyone is, but at the same time I would never be opposed to new members joining, provided as you've said, that they're not total douches.

As for expanding functionality, since we're always on Skype I don't see the point in adding general sub-thread, and look how Soul's effort turned out. But again, not opposed in the slightest if that's what is wanted.
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IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons Empty Re: IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons

Post by Vatonnage Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:22 pm

I think that as long as we keep Mafia as the main thing and just have regular topics for downtime discussions it should be fine.
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IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons Empty Re: IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons

Post by Zyquux Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:31 pm

Yeah, we probably need more people. We need more fresh blood to lynch. And I think our mods can keep the riff raff out. Newcomers, however, would still need to adhere to hosting rules if they wish to host though.
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IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons Empty Re: IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons

Post by DA Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:44 pm

We should probably enforce the prior rule of "Having played at least 2 games to host, or show enough knowledge of the game"
Yay or nay?
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IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons Empty Re: IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons

Post by Mentle Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:47 pm

Alpar wrote:-Possibility of retards

Except this time we have mods, so that won't be an issue.
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IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons Empty Re: IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons

Post by Leo E. Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:52 pm

DA wrote:We should probably enforce the prior rule of "Having played at least 2 games to host, or show enough knowledge of the game"

I'd say the number needs to be higher if anything, but then again, it'll be a lot more by the time they enter the queue and wait for their turn to come around.
Leo E.
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IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons Empty Re: IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons

Post by Scept Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:29 pm

Don't see why not. I think this could be good for us.
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IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons Empty Re: IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons

Post by Zyquux Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:17 pm

DA wrote:We should probably enforce the prior rule of "Having played at least 2 games to host, or show enough knowledge of the game"
Yay or nay?

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IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons Empty Re: IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons

Post by Nyu-Shark Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:45 am

As far as I'm concerned I hold no objection to this. The arrival of more activity with sub threads will at the very least have our little community talking some more without the need to Skype thread as said previous times.
So that's my short description on the matter at hand.
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IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons Empty Re: IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons

Post by DA Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:36 am

So currently, we have a great amount of people voting yes.

Gentlemen, I believe that after this upcoming mafia game, we will do a small hiatus so we can prepare the forum for incoming guests.

And no, the hiatus will not be as long as Shawn's current hiatus. (And besides, you will at least continue to post here and such)
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IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons Empty Re: IMPORTANT NEWS! Broadening our horizons

Post by Yoshi Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:16 am

I will.....why are you demanding so much from me...WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU! *Explodes*
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