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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by StalinCommander Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:56 pm

Vatonnage wrote:inb4StalinistrickingCloaktodowhathewantsagain

That only happened....
Three times.

Guy in Charge
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ANV Character
Name: Dr. Vladiovich Von Krusteacov Ruskieman
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue308/400Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (308/400)
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue920/1000Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (920/1000)

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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by Vatonnage Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:14 pm

...We probably need to keep tabs on you.
Vintage Guy
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ANV Character
Name: [MLG]xXxDaRknEss420_n0sc0purxXx
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue770/860Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (770/860)
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue475/500Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (475/500)

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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by DA Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:00 am

writing up everything ASAP
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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by Scept Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:07 am

Well. You got me.
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ANV Character
Name: Lynn
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue520/600Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (520/600)
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue1400/1500Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (1400/1500)


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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by Cloak Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:08 am

I sure hope I did.
I'm the Alignment Cop.
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ANV Character
Name: Fluffles
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue720/800Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (720/800)
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue415/500Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (415/500)

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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by DA Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:23 am

Story time!:
Scept, as Rulue, went down with her SatanXRulue ship.
Dear Scept
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 200px-Character_Rulue_Puyo20thAnniversary
You are Rulue! The Elegant Fighting Queen!
You have no idea what is happening, you don't know what these kids are doing, but you do know that your honeymuffin Satan-sama is working with that certain skank and is up to something, so you decide to follow and obey his every move.
You unwittingly accepted to work with [SNIPPED ALL THE NAMES, KIDS] in order to do... stuff... that Satan and that annoying girl are doing. All you know is that it makes Satan happy. That's what counts, no?
You win when you outnumber the folks of Primp Town.

TL;DR Vanilla Mafioso
Stalin, as Suketoudara, did his last dance.
Dear Stalin
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Character_Suketoudara_PuyoPuyo7
You are Suketoudara! Swag-filled Dancing Fish!
You seemed interested in this new generation of games. A game of skill and cunning wit that doesn't involve Puyo? Now THAT'S something that you must see!
You win when Primp Town wins.

TL;DR Regular Townie

Polls close Sunday, June 23rd at 9:00 PM PDT
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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by Scept Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:32 am

Vintage Guy
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ANV Character
Name: Lynn
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue520/600Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (520/600)
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue1400/1500Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (1400/1500)


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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by Cloak Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:49 am

Massive is the last one.

Edit: Lel forgot to vote.

Massive - 1 - Cloak

Vintage Guy
Vintage Guy

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ANV Character
Name: Fluffles
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue720/800Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (720/800)
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue415/500Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (415/500)

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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by StalinCommander Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:05 am

Carry forward my Skeleton Avatar-d  Brother!

I shall be making you Tea from the after-after life!
Guy in Charge
Guy in Charge

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ANV Character
Name: Dr. Vladiovich Von Krusteacov Ruskieman
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue308/400Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (308/400)
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue920/1000Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (920/1000)

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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by Massive Sun Jun 23, 2013 6:36 am

Cloak counter votan since it's been a while since we last enforced cloak is always mafia(tm)

Massive - 1 - Cloak
Cloak - 1 - Massive

EDIT: Disregard this post since I didn't read the previous round.

Last edited by Massive on Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:07 am; edited 1 time in total
Veteran Guy
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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by Massive Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:04 am

Cloak wrote:Massive is the last one.

You're digging your own grave with this one. I'm the actual miller.
Saying this since if it's 3 mafia we still haven't found the godfather, aka the one who shows as innocent when Investigated. Go with me if you want anyway, just defending my case.
Besides, we have two rounds to win this because worst case scenario we end up with 3 people next round, two of em being townies.

Switching vote to Draco since the very round he comes in he says he roleblocks me and if he were mafia he could decide to not lynch anyone to frame me.

Massive - 1 - Cloak
Draco - 1 - Massive

Last edited by Massive on Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:46 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Me being a derp and not paying attention to the previous rounds and posts.)
Veteran Guy
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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by Dracojounin7 Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:13 pm

There's also the fact that I roleblocked Massive again and someone died, so if there really is only one mafia left...

I'm kinda tempted to do a no lynch, not voting yet.

EDIT: Aaaaaand turns out there's no "no lynch" this game.

I'm going to have to vote Orion.

Draco - 1 - Massive
Massive - 1 - Cloak
Orion - 1 - Draco
Vintage Guy
Vintage Guy

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ANV Character
Name: Jadaal
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue520/600Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (520/600)
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue1500/1500Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (1500/1500)

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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by Cloak Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:49 pm

Oddly enough, Scept was the "Miller" too.
We do have one day left after this one, and I've got an investigation left. I say we lynch the "Miller", and I investigate one more time.
Vintage Guy
Vintage Guy

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ANV Character
Name: Fluffles
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue720/800Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (720/800)
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue415/500Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (415/500)

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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by Massive Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:29 pm

Cloak wrote:I say we lynch the "Miller", and I investigate one more time.

Or we could think rationally about this. What would I gain by delaying the game one more night?
Even if there would be another night phase there would be 3 people left, 2 townies and 1 mafia, so if I were mafia I'd lose nonetheless.
Feel free to do so if you do not trust me, but playing the "I'm miller card when I'm actually mafia" when it was already played by a mafia player would be retarded, and like I said before, the final mafia might be the godfather, thus showing as innocent when investigated.

I probably won't be here to vote later due to timezones so I'll keep my vote on Draco, mostly due to what I claimed before, and also before I have no idea if the final Mafia is Vat or Orion.

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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by Cloak Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:43 pm

Eh... you make a good point.
I'm fairly sure Draco is fine, but Vat has been really quiet.
Changing to Vat. For now.

Draco - 1 - Massive
Vatonnage - 1 - Cloak
Orion - 1 - Draco
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Vintage Guy

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ANV Character
Name: Fluffles
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue720/800Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (720/800)
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue415/500Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (415/500)

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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by Massive Sun Jun 23, 2013 6:16 pm

If Cloak trusts Draco I'll trust him too. Switching to Vat.

Vat - 2 - Cloak, Massive
Orion - 1 - Draco
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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by Dracojounin7 Sun Jun 23, 2013 6:27 pm

Vat - 3 - Cloak, Massive, Draco

May as well go for the insta-lynch, but I still have my eye on Orion.
Vintage Guy
Vintage Guy

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ANV Character
Name: Jadaal
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue520/600Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (520/600)
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue1500/1500Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (1500/1500)

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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by Vatonnage Sun Jun 23, 2013 6:52 pm

these niggas srs
Vintage Guy
Vintage Guy

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Age : 29

ANV Character
Name: [MLG]xXxDaRknEss420_n0sc0purxXx
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue770/860Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (770/860)
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue475/500Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (475/500)

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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by DA Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:13 pm

Writing story and shit.
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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by DA Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:56 pm

"It's Schezo! I'm positive about that!" said Ringo
"Wh-wh-wh-what!? Who the heck do you think you are to make those claims?" replied Schezo
"But, Ms. Ringo!" began the Butler "Schezo may be a pervert--"
"but I don't think he's affiliated with the Mafia!"
"This is getting ridiculous" said Arle
"I agree" said Arle
"I'm glad that you agree with me Ar--

...hey wait a minute. Since when is there two of me?"
"It took you THIS long to notice?" said Ecolo
"Well... neither of us were really on the same scene at the same time..." said Arle
"Fufufufufu... well, the question remains" began Arle "which one of us is the REAL Arle Nadja?"
"She has a point!" said Ecolo
"Well..." Schezo drifted into a train of thought
"Hm..." the Butler joined in the thinking train
"Ah... maybe it's the--"
"IT'S THE ONE WITH THE DARK, EVIL CLOTHES YOU DERIVATIVE MUNTZ!" desperately shouted Ringo "I mean, really! It's the one with the obviously evil clothes, obviously evil Carbuncle, obviously evil voice, and she's not even wearing the same panties!"
"...and they call ME the pervert" said Schezo
"'sides, she's the only one besides me who is not in the deep train of thought" she said, as she pointed towards the real Arle, who was stroking her chin in deep thought.
"I got it! I'm the culprit!" said Arle
Ringo just smacked her forehead with disbelief.
"Just... vote for that other Arle, will ya?"
And so they all ganged up against Dark Arle and voted against her, sealing her fate.
"Well, about time you did this, ladies and germs! Game over!" said Ecolo, and with a snap of his fingers, Dark Arle vanished
"Wait, Ecolo" began Ringo "how did you manage to get Dark Arle walking and talking without possessing Arle?"
Ecolo just shrugged.
"But anyway, that was fun, wasn't it? I really liked playing this game!" happily said Ecolo
"Yeah yeah, enough happiness, bring our friends back and remove those piles of Nuisance Puyo from them." said Ringo
"Your days of evil are over, Ecolo!" said Schezo
"You won't torment us anymore!" said Arle
"...do you really have to make things dramatic?" said Ringo "I just hope this isn't a cheap segue to a Puyo battle"
"But where's the fun in just keeping a small amount of people under Nuisance Puyo?" said Ecolo "EVERYONE should feel the love of Nuisance Puyo!"
"...oh for cosine's sake, called it." she said as she rubbed her forehead in anguish
"Alright Ecolo, I must prevent you from yadda yadda blah blah blah, etc. etc. Let's..."
One beatdown later
[Background Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcnjQizZh1I ]
"...okay, NOW will you let our friends go?" said Ringo
Ecolo was just writhing in pain in the floor "...fffiiine..."
With one final snap of his fingers, everyone was fully healed and well.
"Well... this was interesting!" said Amitie
"I really didn't like being under that pile of garbage, but I enjoyed tormenting these kids!" said Satan
"Let us have another go! I command my subjects to start yet another round this instant!" said the Ocean Prince
The crowd was agreeing, with shouts of "YEAH!" and "LET'S DO THIS!"
"NO. LET'S MOVE" said Ringo as he grabbed Maguro and Risukuma, and began shaking Risukuma to make his potions fall out of him, break, and react with themselves.
The resulting explosion sent Ringo, Maguro, Risukuma and Ecolo back to where they once belonged.
"Oh..." said Suketoudara
"Well... this was disappointing..." said Schezo


"Hey! Who wants to play puyo!" said Arle, as everyone joined in the celebration of sorts.

Meanwhile, back in Suzuran...
"Well, Ringo-chan, this wasn't too bad!★" said Maguro
"I have to admit, it was quite a twist on the old classic." said Risukuma
"*sigh* well, I have to admit. I did learn something when playing with everyone at Primp Town" said Ringo
"Hm? What did you learn?" said Risukuma
"THAT THESE IRRATIONAL IDIOTS ONLY KNOW HOW TO PLAY PUYO!" she said, as she stormed out of the science lab.

"...she'll be fine★" said Maguro "So, anyone up for DnD?"

Primp Town wins!
Comeback Victory!

Remaining roles, accolades and other shenanigans coming up!

Last edited by DA on Thu Jan 16, 2014 3:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by DA Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:15 pm

Remaining Roles!

Vatonnage, as Dark Arle was overshadowed by the townies.
Dear Vat
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 200px-Character_DarkArle_PuyoPuyo7
You are Dark Arle! Ecolo's very own Arle Doppelganger!
Somehow, Ecolo managed to give you a physical body instead of having to resort to possessing Arle, yet you still are part of Ecolo's mind and soul, so uh...
...moving on, since you're technically still Ecolo, you call the shots here. You and your partners in crime [SNIPPED ALL THE NAMES, KIDS] must show who's boss around these parts.
Due to your Arle-like appearance, you will appear innocent to any and all investigative roles... that is, if Arle is alive and well, of course. Seeing Arle die like that would make everyone suspicious as to why she's still walking and talking over there. Your "innocence" is dependent on Arle's well being.
You win when you outnumber the folks of Primp Town.

TL;DR Godfather (but your fake innocence is dependent on Arle (some other player you have no control of))

Orion, as Arle Nadja, became the unsung heroine of this round.
Dear Orion
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 200px-Character_Arle_Puyo20thAnniversary
You are Alre Nadja! The old-fashioned magical heroine!
You seemed interested in this new generation of games. A game of skill and cunning wit that doesn't involve Puyo? Now THAT'S something that you must see!
You win when Primp Town wins.

TL;DR Regular Townie
WHAT DA DIDN'T TELL HIM: You are actually the cause of Dark Arle's (the Godfather) innocence, seeing that no one can differentiate her from you, the real Arle

Draco, as The Butler, arrived in the nick of time to save the day.
Dear Hater Draco
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Character_Otomo_Puyo15thAnniversary
You are Butler! The Ocean Prince's Butler! ...no shit!
You have sworn loyalty to Your Oceanness for all eternity, and so you must protect him and his servants at all costs!
Each night, you may choose one target to protect from any and all night kills. Be wary, though, as your dense protection will leave them unable to do stuff that night.
Your loyalty to the Ocean Prince has made you too attached to him. A bit too much, so if He manages to be eliminated, your existence to protect will be meaningless without him, and so you will only be able to just roleblock afterwards.
You win when Primp Town wins.

(Remember! It's against the rules to ask for an RP role or reveal as JUST the RP role!)

TL;DR Jailkeeper. Will become plain ol' Roleblocker if the Ocean Prince dies.

Mass, as Schezo Wegey, got what he most desired... a victory!
Dear Massive
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 200px-Character_Schezo_Puyo20thAnniversary
You are Schezo Wegey! The Powerful Dark Wizard! ...that is often mistaken as a Pervert.
Due to your odd mannerisms and creepy visage, EVERYONE seems to think your a complete pervert... to the point that they don't even trust you anymore, no matter the outcome.
If you get targeted by an investigative role, you will be shown as GUILTY to them... so yeah... SOL...
You win when Primp Town wins.

TL;DR Miller

Cloak, as Ringo Andou, was the beacon of hope that the town needed
Dear Cloak
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 200px-Character_Ringo_Puyo20thAnniversary
You are Ringo Andou! Seller of Green Groceries and Green Grocery Accessories! (and also resident Deadpan Snarker)
You have NO IDEA how Ecolo managed to sneak into this place... again. So you wanna know what's really behind this mess. With your knowledge of the game of Mafia, you managed to convince Ecolo to let you use the Cop role as an excuse to know what's happening and--
...wait, did this description really go meta to the point where I can't write anything coherent with the story? Oh well.
You got the Alignment Cop role. Each night, you may target someone to know their alignment (Pro-Town or Pro-Ecolo).
You win when Primp Town wins.

TL;DR (if it wasn't obvious already) Alignment Cop

Night Action Shenanigans!

Zink - Bus Hater and Stalin
Cloak - Investigate Stalin (Gets Hater's alignment)
Axel - Research potions (Got Nexus potion and Tree Stump potion)
Mafia - Kill Zink with Scept

Cloak - Investigate Stalin AGAIN
Axel - Research (Got Lynchproof and Doublevote potions)
Mafia - Kill the surviving tie guy with Gamage.

Cloak - Investigate Gamage (DING DING DING DING!)
Axel - Give Shell potion to Orion ("It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.")
Mafia - Kill Axel with Scept

Draco - Roleblock Massive (nothing happened)
Cloak - Investigate Scept (2 hit combo!)
Orion - Use his potion on himself (Protection get!)
Mafia - Inactivity/inconclusiveness induced RNG between Orion and Stalin (Orion got picked; PROTECTED!)

Draco - Roleblock Massive again (WELP)
Cloak - Investigate Massive (Guilty!?)
Mafia - Kill Stalin with Vat

Risukuma's Potion List (Potions in white were undiscovered by the time Axel died):

  • Desperado Potion - Gives the user of the potion a chance to do a One-Shot Night Kill (it will not work on Mafia).
  • Private Eye Potion - Gives the user of the potion the ability to do a One-Shot Alignment Investigation.
  • Shell Potion - Gives the user a protective barrier that will prevent 'em from being killed that night. Given to Orion.
  • Paralysis Potion - The user will be unable to perform any actions that night, essentially roleblocking them.
  • Attention Whore Potion - All actions will target the user for that night.
  • Hot-blooded Potion - If the user has any night abilities, he WILL perform them no matter what, making him compulsive for that night.
  • Comet-chain Potion - The user will be immune to lynching for that day.
  • Offset Potion - Any actions that target the user will be bounced off to another randomly-chosen player.
  • Destiny Bond Potion - If the user is killed, the killer will also die with him. If he dies via lynch, the person who placed the fateful vote will die.
  • Macho Potion - The user will be unable to be protected or roleblocked by any means for 2 night phases in a row.
  • Petrification Potion - The user will be petrified (Read: Tree-Stump'd) for the following Day/Night cycle. His Petrified state will be broadcasted in the thread, but his role and alignment will NOT.
  • Chatty Potion - The user will be given a one-shot opportunity to be able to give a second, hidden vote for that day.

Accolades/Medals/Whatever you call 'em coming up next!
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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by DA Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:49 pm

It's time for the awards!

Gogotte Award - For doing nothing and being forgotten: Hater. If it wasn't for Draco, the town would've had a bit more trouble. 'sides, he could protect everyone!
But nope.
Draco Centauros Award - For the fact that I wish that he was given more game time: Zink. C'mon, night-kill the bus driver Day 1? It was uncalled for! Think of all the shenanigans we could've had!
Kikimora Award - For helping out the Town stay long enough, even in the afterlife: Axel. By giving Orion his Shell Potion, he prevented one of his mates to die, in exchange for his life... and even MORE confusion.
Feli Award - For never taking his eyes off his target... even if it wasn't the right guy: Tael. Seriously, u wot m8? Orion might've been slightly related to the Mafia somehow, but he was far from it. And the people you said that were mafia? Just 1/3.
Honey Bee Award - For dynamically entering the match and upsetting the tides: Draco. Need I say more? Special mention goes to the fact that even after I've treated him like shit for the past few months (I once again apologize), he decided to join this round. You done good, mon ami.
Popoi Award - For being a crazy villain: Gamage. Twice in the game he wanted to Night-kill SCEPT. One of those times, he was serious. And after people started voting for him, the jig was up and he broke down, but not without taking someone down.
Ecolo Award - For being a damn fine villain: Vat. Not only did he sacrifice Scept during one of the day votes, but destiny allowed Orion to stay alive, even when they tried to kill him one of the nights, giving him his innocence and using it to his complete advantage.
Ms. Accord Award - For Logic that even I cannot comprehend, yet led the town to victory: Cloak. I never thought I'd see the day that Cloaklogic could make the town win, not to mention an insane amount of luck to get 2 mafia in a row. Congratulations, man.

Thanks to everyone for joining this round and bringing me back to the Mafia business. After 50 games and 1 whole year of intense Mafia-ing, I'm really happy to know that it doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon. We may have had our ups and downs, and our shenanigans, but rest assured, we're there to help each other out (or screw each other, when it comes to the actual games). Thank you very, very much.
See all y'all in Round 60, or any other rounds that I decide to join!
Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 200px-Character_Accord_Puyo20thAnniversaryClass Dismissed!

Last edited by DA on Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by Scept Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:57 pm

I hate you, Cloak. Hate you so much.
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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by Tael Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:00 pm

I'm helping

thanks for hosting a good round DA!
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Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia - Page 5 Empty Re: Round 50 - Puyo Puyo Mafia

Post by Hunter Axel Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:47 pm

Another successful round!

Woo! I actually helped!
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