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Round 58: Schadenfreude

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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

Post by Dracojounin7 Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:59 pm

To be honest, a role that wins after a certain number of rounds is a bad idea.

Especially here, where people have trouble regularly handing in night actions.

Regardless, gg wolves. We both lost.
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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Left_bar_bleue520/600Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty_bar_bleue  (520/600)
Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Left_bar_bleue1500/1500Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty_bar_bleue  (1500/1500)

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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

Post by Vatonnage Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:00 pm

Definitely not worse than any of Stalin's rounds

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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Left_bar_bleue770/860Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty_bar_bleue  (770/860)
Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Left_bar_bleue475/500Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty_bar_bleue  (475/500)

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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

Post by Yoshi Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:10 pm

I beleive this sums up how french is feeling right now.

French being the medic obviously.
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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Left_bar_bleue680/800Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty_bar_bleue  (680/800)
Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Left_bar_bleue500/500Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty_bar_bleue  (500/500)

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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

Post by French Connections Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:28 pm

Firstly, sorry for being a dick everyone. By acting like I had a death-wish was the only way that I could get you guys to lynch and NK me.
Really nice round Shadi. I enjoyed the role, thanks!

Yoshi wrote:
I beleive this sums up how french is feeling right now.
French being the medic obviously.
Given that today was my first playing TF2, yeah kinda. xD

Last edited by French Connections on Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

Post by Shadi Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:35 pm

Yoshi wrote:

I beleive this sums up how french is feeling right now.

French being the medic obviously.
That song from 44 seconds is so catchy :O
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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

Post by StalinCommander Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:41 pm

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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Left_bar_bleue308/400Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty_bar_bleue  (308/400)
Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Left_bar_bleue920/1000Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty_bar_bleue  (920/1000)

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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

Post by CodePhoenix Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:57 pm

Seriously. Had to be one of the worst rounds I've played. No reveals at the end, no plot or even any clues in finding out who was who, everyone practically oblivious at anyone's roles, and French being OP with an instantwin ability. I did not enjoy throughout the entire round at all.
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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

Post by Shadi Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:01 pm

Phoenix wrote:Seriously. Had to be one of the worst rounds I've played. No reveals at the end, no plot or even any clues in finding out who was who, everyone practically oblivious at anyone's roles, and French being OP with an instantwin ability. I did not enjoy throughout the entire round at all.
First one was required communication, some people knew each other's roles by talking. But I agree, role reveal is a good thing.

And as for the instant win ability, did you read the posts about the balance regarding that?

Thanks for the feedback.
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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

Post by Diabeetus-Tan Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:04 pm

Dracojounin7 wrote:To be honest, a role that wins after a certain number of rounds is a bad idea.
Especially here, where people have trouble regularly handing in night actions.
thank you

I think after my spirit has been thoroughly murdered by this round I'm going to sit out from mafia for a good long forever because wow
gg French 2OP4me

(I'm not mad at French, but I will say I'm upset by how badly this round was hosted. Without even any plot to provide any interest, and random rules that I don't think have ever appeared here before such as; being able to surpass lynches, not being able to see roles of death's is pretty bad to do without warning) <- mostly preference opinions
((also the thing about sending other people information accidentally several times..why didn't you start double checking after the first mistake?))
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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

Post by Shadi Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:15 pm

Diabeetus-Tan wrote:
Dracojounin7 wrote:To be honest, a role that wins after a certain number of rounds is a bad idea.
Especially here, where people have trouble regularly handing in night actions.
thank you

I think after my spirit has been thoroughly murdered by this round I'm going to sit out from mafia for a good long forever because wow
gg French 2OP4me

(I'm not mad at French, but I will say I'm upset by how badly this round was hosted. Without even any plot to provide any interest, and random rules that I don't think have ever appeared here before such as; being able to surpass lynches, not being able to see roles of death's is pretty bad to do without warning)
((also the thing about sending other people information accidentally several times..why didn't you start double checking after the first mistake?))
Your normal size text:
I'm sorry that the round hasn't satisfied you. As for French being OP, I strongly disagree, did you read the posts regarding the 1 missing kill each round or?

Smaller sized text:
By plot do you mean a theme that didn't even affect the gameplay one bit or maybe a story that didn't? I wasn't sure if that was valued extremely high. However, note taken. As for new stuff, why is that necessarily bad? You test new stuff and then judge whether it's bad - you seem to be more xenophobic than hating the actual gameplay by saying that, imo. As for the not reveal role, you are right a warning would have been good before the actual round end. I see you guys didn't like the concept of actually communicating for roles more than you're used to and I won't repeat it.

Your even smaller sized text.

I had written monk out of 2 people's names due to the mistake I did with you first round then next round I just looked after monk to be sure and had forgotten I wrote it another place to remind myself to explain about the mistake.
Final Fight Guy
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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

Post by Cloak Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:24 pm

I was fucking right about mmage.
That is all.
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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Left_bar_bleue720/800Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty_bar_bleue  (720/800)
Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Left_bar_bleue415/500Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty_bar_bleue  (415/500)

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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

Post by Diabeetus-Tan Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:31 pm

Shadi wrote:
I'm sorry that the round hasn't satisfied you. As for French being OP, I strongly disagree, did you read the posts regarding the 1 missing kill each round or?

Smaller sized text:
By plot do you mean a theme that didn't even affect the gameplay one bit or maybe a story that didn't? I wasn't sure if that was valued extremely high. However, note taken. As for new stuff, why is that necessarily bad? You test new stuff and then judge whether it's bad - you seem to be more xenophobic than hating the actual gameplay by saying that, imo. As for the not reveal role, you are right a warning would have been good before the actual round end. I see you guys didn't like the concept of actually communicating for roles more than you're used to and I won't repeat it.

Your even smaller sized text.

I had written monk out of 2 people's names due to the mistake I did with you first round then next round I just looked after monk to be sure and had forgotten I wrote it another place to remind myself to explain about the mistake.
1. Yes. I still don't think any sort of auto win is fair, regardless of mafia not sending in kills. It's basically as if the round has a time limit that no one was informed about

2. I just meant story. There was zip, zero, none. Only "Person dies. Person survives"
Phoenix did that one game and everyone hated it (the lack of story, nothing else was hated to my knowledge) until I swooped in and started writing story for it. Story is surprisingly important and gives people something to look forward to even after they die.

3. "As for new stuff, why is that necessarily bad? You test new stuff and then judge whether it's bad - you seem to be more xenophobic than hating the actual gameplay by saying that, imo." what

Cloak wrote:I was fucking right about mmage.
That is all.
thank you for bringing this to my attention

2. Insane seer would just get the opposite result of what he'd normally get. Diabeetus never peeked an actual mafia or wolf
I  peeked MMage at some point and wasn't told he was "Good" despite result flip. What happened there? Why was I told "Evil" as all my other results?
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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

Post by Shadi Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:46 pm

1. Yes. I still don't think any sort of auto win is fair, regardless of mafia not sending in kills. It's basically as if the round has a time limit that no one was informed about

Alright, I guess that's a different opinion then. I had really not planned for French to win at all unless he played it extremely well which would be hard.

2. I just meant story. There was zip, zero, none. Only "Person dies. Person survives"
Phoenix did that one game and everyone hated it (the lack of story, nothing else was hated to my knowledge) until I swooped in and started writing story for it. Story is surprisingly important and gives people something to look forward to even after they die.

I c and noted.

3. "As for new stuff, why is that necessarily bad? You test new stuff and then judge whether it's bad - you seem to be more xenophobic than hating the actual gameplay by saying that, imo." what
Instead of giving new stuff a chance you seemed to instantly dislike it instead of seeing how it went down in actual action first.

Cloak wrote:I was fucking right about mmage.
That is all.
thank you for bringing this to my attention


2. Insane seer would just get the opposite result of what he'd normally get. Diabeetus never peeked an actual mafia or wolf
I  peeked MMage at some point and wasn't told he was "Good" despite result flip. What happened there? Why was I told "Evil" as all my other results? IF he wasn't framed (opposite of opposite,) then my bad again
I know these mistakes leave bad impression but I normally don't do mistakes at all, so I was just really unlucky/clumsy from my side and it was a mixture of hosting a game I didn't build and I'll be much much more careful with that in the future you have my full apologies when it comes to that. Thanks for playing despite mistakes and the bad circumstances.
Final Fight Guy
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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

Post by Diabeetus-Tan Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:51 pm

Shadi wrote:
Instead of giving new stuff a chance you seemed to instantly dislike it instead of seeing how it went down in actual action first.
Is that why I tried out the round completely, then hated it at the end, AFTER seeing how things went down in action, with many mistakes that resulted in me being 100% useless, when I could have been 70%ish useless had mistakes not occurred? (though I guess me finding out Mmage wouldn't have mattered anyway with R8 time limit.)

I am not one for drama but don't go saying I didn't give your new game mechanics a chance.
With that I have nothing left to say to you or about your round. Thanks for the responses.

Edit: R4 actions

Vaton (CPR DOC): Targets Diabeetus
Diabeetus: Peeks MMage
French: Block Link
Peek Stalin
NK Link
Track Stalin
just wanted to clarify, no one framed MMage so he definitely should have been shown to me as 'Good'

Last edited by Diabeetus-Tan on Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:02 am; edited 2 times in total
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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

Post by Shadi Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:00 am

You originally complained about seeing functions you hadn't seen before. Making me feel like you disliked that before trying, if I misunderstood feel free to scold me.

As for the mistakes, completely understandable. Thanks for the feedback.
Final Fight Guy
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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

Post by Archer Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:31 am

Okay, I’ve been as patient as you asked me to be, and you’ve really been toying with my heartstrings. Ever since this entire new set of ideas spawned I was telling myself from the beginning to just give it a chance, just watch and form an opinion since I wasn’t even gonna play as it was, maybe throw some early-made viewpoints from the sidelines, it is just a game after all. I believe in change and trying out new ideas so long as they aren’t impractical or too large a gap. Ever since you made your first big blunder here, I told myself with confidence that you’d change for the better “it’s just mafia after all, it really is just a game” (which you can even SEE I posted in a thread.) I’ve been patient from the very start and you had to be a child when it was uncalled for in multiple cases, and said you’d take all criticism so buckle up.

Inb4 tl;dr
Inb4 wahh he’s mean so it’s not criticism

Before we really start:

The main idea:
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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Left_bar_bleue320/400Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty_bar_bleue  (320/400)
Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Left_bar_bleue955/1000Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty_bar_bleue  (955/1000)

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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

Post by DA Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:13 am


apparently everyone else who actually enjoyed the round thought that the punishment must be less severe, so we're doing a bit of a mind cooldown... bear with us for a sec

This has been the worst possible thing to ever happen to mafia in the history of these forums.
I just hope that this hasn't caused a SECOND mafia holocaust...

The thread will be locked to prevent any further arguing and bickering. Any and all admins that decide to continue while the thread is locked will have their admin powers revoked.

Play 'em off, TF2 Announcer...
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Round 58: Schadenfreude - Page 15 Empty Re: Round 58: Schadenfreude

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