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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Leo E.
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by Leo E. Sun Mar 09, 2014 1:13 am

So I believe this is something that we tried a long time ago, but it's probably a lot more viable now.

By which I mean our own Pokeymans League.

Not that we have a big enough community to make eight gyms, an Elite Four, and a champion. But we'll cut it in half and say that unless a lot of people join, we'll have four Gym Leaders and an Elite Two, with no Champion at the start.

Main question is: should it be done simply in X and Y, or Pokemon Online?

Girls do their best now and are posting rules. Please wait warmly until it is ready.
Leo E.
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by Leo E. Sun Mar 09, 2014 1:18 am


Specific Banlist:


RULES FOR ELITE (insert number here)

  • Your team cannot be based around the same type that another current Gym Leader or Elite (number) member is using.
  • At least five of your six Pokemon must share the same type; if the sixth does not, it must know a move of the team's type.
  • Mega evolutions that change a Pokemon's type must share your team's type both before AND after mega evolving (for example, a Dark-type team cannot use a Gyarados since it is Water/Flying, even if they intend to mega evolve it into the Water/Dark Mega Gyarados, but a Water-type team could use either since both forms share that type. And while a Rock-type team could use Aggron, they would not be allowed to mega evolve it since it loses its Rock type, though a Steel-type team could use either).
  • Pokemon of the same species and direct evolutionary line cannot be used, but Pokemon from branching evolutionary lines can (for example, you can use a Poliwrath and a Politoed, but not a Poliwrath and a Poliwhirl).


  • Your team cannot be based around the same type that another current Gym Leader or Elite (number) member is using.
  • All six of your Pokemon must share the same type.
  • Same mega evolution rules as Elite (number) members.
  • Pokemon of the same species cannot be used more than once, but Pokemon from direct and branching evolutionary lines can (for example, you can't use two Vileplumes, but you can use a Gloom, a Vileplume, and a Bellossom... for whatever weird reason you would want to).
  • You'll need a badge to hand out to people who defeat you. Think up a name that fits you or your team.


  • Five Pokemon in your team must remain the same at all times (this includes moves, EVs, everything). The sixth is free to change between battles, with the exception of between the Elite (number). If you wish to change more, you must start from the beginning.
  • Same species rules as Gym Leaders.


  • Your team can only be the one with which you defeated the previous Champion.

Girls do their best now and are posting the general layout next. Please wait warmly until it is ready.
Leo E.
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by Leo E. Sun Mar 09, 2014 1:20 am


So you want to be champ? There's a process for that.

First, you need to get all the badges. Obviously, you get a badge by beating a Gym Leader. Badges can be obtained in any order, and are never lost (except when you want to change your team as outlined in the rules, or if the corresponding Gym Leader resigns/is replaced; more on that later).

Once you get all the badges, you can challenge the Elite (number). Unlike Gym Leaders, you're not allowed to switch up your free slot between fights, and no credit for incomplete work; if you lose to any of them, you have to fight them all over again.

Beaten the Elite (number)? Now you have a decision.

You can choose to challenge the Champion in a battle to finally decide who is the very best, like no one ever was. You CAN switch out your free slot between the Elite (number) and the Champion, so go nuts. Remember that if you beat the Champion, you're not allowed to switch your team for as long as you hold that title.

And since we're not starting with a Champion, first person to win gets the title, no questions asked.

Alternatively, if you'd like a more altruistic role, you can also challenge any one Gym Leader or Elite (number) member to a second battle in order to take their place. You'll be using a temporary team to do this, one which matches the rules of the position you're gunning for. If you win, that's the team you'll be using in that position, so choose well. If you knock someone out of their place, they begin again as a challenger. Probably with a grudge against you. If you take the place of a Gym Leader, their badge is now defunct, and people will need yours before they can challenge the Elite (number).

If you lose, tough luck. You've still got your badges, but you'll need to muscle your way through the Elite (number) again for another shot.

Shiki can kill Servants. Discuss.
Leo E.
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by MrNaleIt Sun Mar 09, 2014 1:55 am

dibs on water gym

would gym leaders be allowed to battle each other/the Elite (number) for funzies?

Anyway, if we do it in X&Y, the time between battles may take a lot longer trying to get the perfect pokemon for the next battle, but in Pokemon Online, we'd have to have a sort of approval process for the teams.
Also item usage yay or nay.
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by Yoshi Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:36 am

I'd think items can be used in limitation since gym leaders and the elite four have used items in the fights.Also i'd like to join the leader side maybe as electric type.
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by Archer Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:39 am

Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) 655

This is gonna be fun to watch.
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by Leo E. Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:32 am

MrNaleIt wrote:would gym leaders be allowed to battle each other/the Elite (number) for funzies?

You can't do that as it is?

I might make something as well that allows a Gym Leader to move up to Elite (number) member through a fight or something.

MrNaleIt wrote:Also item usage yay or nay.

Yoshi wrote:I'd think items can be used in limitation since gym leaders and the elite four have used items in the fights.

Seeing as less people are going for higher-ranks than I'd expect, item limitations will be:

  • Gym Leaders can't have more than one of any given item on their team.
  • Elite (number) members can't have more than two of any given item on their team.
  • Challengers and the Champion have no limit, aside from the obvious no unreleased/banned items.
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by Scept Sun Mar 09, 2014 11:02 am

Once I get breeding down, I'd go for Grass-type. Either Leader or E4 works for me.
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by DA Sun Mar 09, 2014 1:26 pm

MrNaleIt wrote:dibs on water gym
Oh damn it. Guess I'm going Fightan Type leader
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by Leo E. Sun Mar 09, 2014 1:58 pm

Again, this was just a discussion topic... but since people seem to be interested, sure, we'll start signups soon.

As it is I think four Gym Leaders and an Elite Two would be good to start with, but we need some challengers too.

As for people who are trying to go for the same type, once we start signups you can make your team and fight for it.
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by DA Sun Mar 09, 2014 2:15 pm

So we using Gen VI games or Pokémon Showdown? (since it seems more efficient and up to date than Pokémon Online nowadays)
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by Leo E. Sun Mar 09, 2014 2:37 pm

Pokemon Showdown has no way of connecting to a specific player as far as I know. So we'll probably use Pokemon Online.
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by OrionX Sun Mar 09, 2014 2:58 pm

Sounds fun. If there's room, I'd like to claim the Flying-type gym.
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by Vatonnage Sun Mar 09, 2014 5:20 pm

Should there be any types that are Elite (number) or Gym Leader-exclusive or is it just first come, first served?
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by Leo E. Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:38 pm

Vatonnage wrote:Should there be any types that are Elite (number) or Gym Leader-exclusive or is it just first come, first served?

First come, first served. And once they're in position, no one else can use that type until they retire or are knocked down.
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by MrNaleIt Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:41 pm

Leo E. wrote:once they're in position, no one else can use that type until they are knocked down.
Knocked down by a prospective leader who uses their going-to-be gym leader team?
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by Leo E. Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:44 pm

MrNaleIt wrote:
Leo E. wrote:once they're in position, no one else can use that type until they are knocked down.
Knocked down by a prospective leader who uses their going-to-be gym leader team?

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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by Aboithagameboi Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:50 pm

I called Grass type in Skype yesterday night but I figure I should call it here too. I'd be happy with an E2 position.

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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by Massive Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:00 pm

Dibs on Poison gym, or E2 if there are still any slots
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by StalinCommander Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:43 pm

I have an old Rock Monotype...
I'll update it for the new gen and I want to be the Rock Elite Four!

Wait there's only two elite four spots and both are taken.
Gym leader will be fine.
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by Cloak Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:00 pm

I've got Normal Type.
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Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic) Empty Re: Pokemon: Halolz League (Introductory and Discussion Topic)

Post by Leo E. Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:25 pm

Defunct topic. Go here.
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