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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Hunter Axel
Nick Soapdish
The Mysterious Gourmet
Yung Aesthetic
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by DA Wed Feb 25, 2015 2:06 am

Completely ripped off of Based on TripleQ's amusing shenanigans.
Welcome one and all! What better way to celebrate my return with a festive little bloodbath?
Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! 66a5754d21
(yes I know that's Firefox-tan and not a Mockingjay. Try searching for chibi mockingjay or moe mockingjay. Go on, I dare ya)
Using this fancy shmancy, somewhat dandy Hunger Games simulator, we can all settle down once and for all who deserves the title of Least Shitty Waifu in the Forums!

How this will work out:
I'm gonna need you guys to post on this thread if you want in. Post your avatar for this endeavor, post a pic of your waifu who will join on this gig and post the district that you'd prefer to be in (if there's any space available. First come, first serve). You two will be the tributes for your district!
For example, let's say Scept is joining (and he'd better be). His post would be something along the lines of
Scept wrote:Name: Scept
Avatar: [image url goes here, or you could just tell me to use your current forums avatar]
Waifu: Amy Rose ( http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/ab/Amy_Rose_with_hammer.png )
District: 9

There is a total of 12 districts in the game. They can be expanded to have up to 4 players per district, bringing this to a total of up to 48 player spaces up for grabs.

If there's enough empty spaces available, I might add shitpost teams for shits & giggles. Like, for instance, District 12 having CIA Guy, Bane, JOHN CENA & MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE

The almighty RNG of the Hunger Games simulator will decide the outcome of this match. To make this more fun and interactive, however, I'm planning to stream the shenanigans LIVE on Skype Voice Chat! (or Twitch, in case the former gets 2crowded)

Unfortunately, after TripleQ's colbert bump, the Hunger Games simulator kinda went under so it's under maintenance and such.
Fortunately for us, this gives you enough time to sign up while the servers are getting stabilized!

Go forth, young warriors! Go forth and bringeth thine 2D maidens! And may the odds be ever in your favor!
District 1 DA Draco Centauros -------- --------
District 2 Alpar Ruri "Kuroneko" Gokou Blaze-It Rec Kirino Kousaka
District 3 Scept Aru -------- --------
District 4 Cloak Hong Meiling Ratsel Makoto Kikuchi
District 5 Zyquux Riven -------- --------
District 6 Nick Soapdish Reiko Nagase Axel Raven
District 7 Ment Ranmaru Orion Kurugaya Yuiko
District 8 Vatonnage Musashibou BenkeiGamage Anastasia
District 9 Stalin Duke Nukem Nale Jade
District 10 Phoenix Diabeetus-tan -------- --------
District 11 spplmjAigis HaruHazu Kaoru Sayama
District 12 Skrist Morgiana -------- --------

Last edited by DA on Sat Mar 07, 2015 6:43 am; edited 12 times in total
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by StalinCommander Wed Feb 25, 2015 2:19 am

Name: Stalin
Avatar: http://puu.sh/gbMEY/4bc89b7068.jpg
Waifu: (Husbando?) Duke Nukem [ http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/dukenukem/images/0/05/Duke_Nukem_Forever_2-1-.jpg/revision/20110926015023 ]
District: 9. Obviously Duke was there to keep those alien scum down.
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Name: Dr. Vladiovich Von Krusteacov Ruskieman
Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Left_bar_bleue308/400Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty_bar_bleue  (308/400)
Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Left_bar_bleue920/1000Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty_bar_bleue  (920/1000)

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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by Scept Wed Feb 25, 2015 2:27 am

Alright fine. I'll join.
Name: Scept. Use my forums avvy.
Waifu: You thought I was bringing Amy along, but it was actually Aru! Feel free to crop as necessary.
EDIT: I'll take 8, thanks.
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by Cloak Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:02 am

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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by Skrist Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:12 am

Name: Skrist
Avatar: https://i.servimg.com/u/f38/19/15/46/12/13529410.jpg
Waifu: Morgiana
District: 12

You: For Fun
Me: For Glory
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by Archer Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:01 am

Scept wrote:
Waifu: You thought I was bringing Amy along, but it was actually Aru! Feel free to crop as necessary.

>Seriously not using Amy

Color me surprised.

Name: Alpar, use my forums avatar
Waifu: Ruri Gokou https://i.imgur.com/oxq7J9s.jpg Crop as necessary
District: 2
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Name: Dente - El Exterminador de Demonios Dos
Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Left_bar_bleue320/400Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty_bar_bleue  (320/400)
Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Left_bar_bleue955/1000Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty_bar_bleue  (955/1000)

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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by Mentle Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:18 pm

I know nothing about the Hunger Games, let's do this.

Name: Ment
Just use my avatar
Waifu: Mktoot  (https://tsuzukusekai.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/kikuchi_makoto_smile.jpg)
District: 7

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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by Yung Aesthetic Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:49 pm

Name: Rec
Waifu: Kirino Kousaka http://www.anime-planet.com/images/characters/kirino_kousaka_15747.jpg
District: 2 (Only makes sense to ally with Alpar because Oreimo)
Yung Aesthetic
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by The Mysterious Gourmet Wed Feb 25, 2015 2:36 pm

Name: Ratsel
Avatar: https://i.imgur.com/uyXnVoA.jpg
Waifu: Makoto Kikuchi
Avatar: https://i.imgur.com/LpQKAHU.png
District: 4 I guess, does it matter
The Mysterious Gourmet
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by MrNaleIt Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:02 pm

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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by Gam Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:24 pm

Name: Gamage
Picture: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! 1e630b11
Waifu: Anya
Picture: http://static.zerochan.net/Anastasia.%28Idolmaster%29.full.1487874.jpg

And put me in squad 8 because thats the same squad as hinata from naruto. Plus 8 is objectively the best number.
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by Nick Soapdish Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:35 pm

Name: Nick Soapdish
Avatar: http://forums.court-records.net/forum/logo6/mrhat.png
Waifu: Reiko Nagase
Picture: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-mpBkTueAHbM/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAo/M43pFzZpmgo/photo.jpg
District: 6

You know in Japanese the number 4 means death. You district 4 guys are goners.
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Left_bar_bleue985/1000Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty_bar_bleue  (985/1000)

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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by OrionX Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:00 pm

Name: Orion
Avatar: (Forum av)
Waifu: Kurugaya Yuiko
Picture: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/littlebusters/images/d/d5/Yuiko_with_Sword.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121105220326
District: 7 (because that was the district that one crazy chick was from, and she's cool)

Last edited by OrionX on Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by Zyquux Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:01 am

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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Left_bar_bleue1420/1500Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty_bar_bleue  (1420/1500)

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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by Hunter Axel Thu Feb 26, 2015 6:15 am

Might as well get in on this

Name: Axel
Avatar: https://imgur.com/ECcYz7P
Waifu: Raven
Picture: http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/551534?tags=toona
District: 6 (Because favorite Final Fantasy)
Hunter Axel
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Name: Minerva
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Left_bar_bleue490/500Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty_bar_bleue  (490/500)

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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by Vatonnage Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:38 pm

Name: Vatonnage
Avatar: Forum
Waifu: Musashibō Benkei
Picture: Picture
District: 8
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Name: [MLG]xXxDaRknEss420_n0sc0purxXx
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Left_bar_bleue475/500Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty_bar_bleue  (475/500)

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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by CodePhoenix Mon Mar 02, 2015 11:09 pm

Name: Phoenix
Avatar: Forum
Waifu: Diabeetus-tan
Picture: https://2img.net/u/3016/27/37/10/avatars/39-3.png
District: Whatever's not taken.
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by spplmj Fri Mar 06, 2015 6:25 pm

Name: spp
Avatar: Donut-chan
Waifu: Aigis
District: 11
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by DA Fri Mar 06, 2015 11:00 pm

And with that, the signups are CLOSED!
Tomorrow at 2 PM PST, we begin!
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by HaruHazu Sat Mar 07, 2015 1:50 am


Name: HaruHazu
Avatar: https://i.gyazo.com/13e381f81121c9cf2267ea00a70daa7d.png
Waifu: Kaoru Sayama
Picture: http://rankthegame.net/img/character/Kaoru_Sayama.png
District: Whatever's available


Posts : 3
Join date : 2015-01-13

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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by DA Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:01 am

DA wrote:And with that, the signups are CLOSED!
Tomorrow at 2 PM PST, we begin!
For reals this time!
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by DA Sat Mar 07, 2015 6:38 pm

...and that's the end!
Thank you so much to those of you who joined in! Now it's time for you guys to be patient as I try to edit out a video of these shenanigans!

Don't panic! Okay, this means that the video will take a bit longer to produce without it having audio issues.
To those of you who missed who's who of the districts, here's an imgur gallery showing everyone (It goes District 1, tributes 1-4; District 2, tributes 1-4; etc.)

Here's a recap of what happened.

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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by Archer Sat Mar 07, 2015 6:45 pm

I ended up so disappointingly average aside from my day 1-2 killstreak but I'm not complaining

That was too much fun and I'm sorry for whoever missed out
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Name: Dente - El Exterminador de Demonios Dos
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Left_bar_bleue955/1000Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty_bar_bleue  (955/1000)

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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by Gam Sat Mar 07, 2015 6:46 pm

Looking back I just realised I'm the only one that got to 4 kills without using explosives to get some huge multikill.
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Left_bar_bleue475/500Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty_bar_bleue  (475/500)

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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

Post by StalinCommander Sat Mar 07, 2015 6:48 pm

Coulda done better.
Coulda done worse.
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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Left_bar_bleue920/1000Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty_bar_bleue  (920/1000)

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Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games! Empty Re: Waifu Wars! Halolz meets the Hunger Games!

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