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Round 45 - Mafia Story

French Connections
The Mysterious Gourmet
Leo E.
Hunter Axel
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Hunter Axel Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:50 pm

Cave Story is a jumping-and-shooting action game.
Explore the caves until you reach the ending.
You can also save your game and continue from where you left off.

— Author's description of the game

"This description is so humble that it borders on parody. Play now, laugh later."
— Studio Pixel Fan Page

Round 45 - Mafia Story CaveStory6001092019_zps965828f1

Welcome one and all! So I was expecting a small turnout like usual but that may not be the case this time. Originally I was torn between this or Metroid Prime 3, but I figured I'd give the latter a shot for another time. I'm sure I can squeeze everyone that joins in there.

You all should know the rules by now so I won't post 'em here. For those that don't know and are new, check the administrative section and it should be easy to find.

Once again, No PMs are allowed unless mafia or masons!

I suspect this round will be fairly normal and I have yet to come up with any ideas to experiment this time...but that may change in the future.

No lynch will prioritize over a lynch if it has a number equal or greater than the votes to lynch.

What's that? You want a story? I'll get to it...eventually.

Signups will end...Friday April 19th at 6pm EDT.
As for updates, since my schedule is so weird I'll most likely close and try to update by 11pm EDT each night except for the first day (for obvious reasons).

Well then, shall we begin signing up?

Sign-up list
1. Leo
2. DA
3. Zyquux
4. Nyu-Shark
5. Roflcopter419
6. Cloak
7. MrNaleIt
8. Zink
9. Shadi
11. French Connections
12. Massive
13. Gamage
14. Stalin
15. Vat
16. Yoshi

Last edited by Hunter Axel on Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:53 pm; edited 12 times in total
Hunter Axel
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Left_bar_bleue490/500Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty_bar_bleue  (490/500)

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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Scept Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:55 pm

I think I'll sit this one out... need a break, prepare for my game, do some college shtoof.
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Left_bar_bleue1400/1500Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty_bar_bleue  (1400/1500)


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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Leo E. Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:55 pm

Why not.
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by DA Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:55 pm

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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Zyquux Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:56 pm

In. Maybe I can redeem myself for MLP mafia.
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Nyu-Shark Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:06 am

Oh golly gee wizard smokes I think this will do indeed yes yes yes.
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by The Mysterious Gourmet Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:11 am

Sure, let's do this.
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Cloak Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:27 am

My prediction: Chaco is the beloved slut townie.
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by MrNaleIt Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:27 am

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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Mentle Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:43 am

Can't skip a round with this theme. In.
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Zink120 Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:05 am

I'd really like to join. Thing is I have many exams and deadlines starting Monday onwards. If it looks like basically everyone has joined by Thursday, would you be open to starting then? Then hopefully I'll have died by Monday haha!
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Shadi Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:06 am

Let's do this, I'm in!
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by HATER Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:00 am

No free PM rights?! Awh, c'mon dude...

...okay I'm done bitching. Let's do this.

In (b4 recruiting mason).
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Hunter Axel Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:43 pm

Zink120 wrote:I'd really like to join. Thing is I have many exams and deadlines starting Monday onwards. If it looks like basically everyone has joined by Thursday, would you be open to starting then? Then hopefully I'll have died by Monday haha!

That's very understandable. Sure we can start Thursday if we can get everyone in by then. The reason I wanted to go ahead of Scept was because I'd be busy starting at the end of the month.
Hunter Axel
Hunter Axel
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by French Connections Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:16 pm

I probably shouldn't join as I have several essays to do, but what the heck, count me in.
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Massive Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:18 pm

>Cave Story Mafia

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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Zink120 Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:25 pm

French Connections wrote:I probably shouldn't join as I have several essays to do, but what the heck, count me in.
Worked out well last time :P
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Gam Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:11 pm

Yay mafia in
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Left_bar_bleue475/500Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty_bar_bleue  (475/500)

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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Zink120 Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:16 pm

Oh, Gamagemate! Welcome back! :D
Thanks Axel. Hope it works out~
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Shadi Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:03 pm

I have a question regarding one rule that I see HATER already beat me to "complain" about

Hunter Axel wrote:
Once again, No PMs are allowed unless mafia or masons!

Are all means we can use to find information intuition in addition to maybe power roles such as a seer or so? So we can only communicate on the thread freely?

I'd like to be able to break/interrogate/teamwork with players whom I find it a good idea to do it with. What's the exact reason for disallowing us from exchanging information to each other? I don't really see where it benefits greatly, other than making it a card game where you cannot play with open cards.. I think that's an essential part of the this concept, a "detective"/"mind" game.

Is this a usual rule or something you go by occasionally or always?

Again, I mean no offence but I'm just questioning that concept which I saw to be one of the greater things you could do in this game.

I'm pretty sure you have it for a good reason, and if that's the case could somebody elaborate?

Thanks for your time and sorry for the time spent reading this and in advance if you're gonna answer it!
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Cloak Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:11 pm

We tend to include an investigator. Fairly often, a second one that's weaker is involved. Other than that, vote patterns and knowing what they shouldn't tend to point out mafia.
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Shadi Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:18 pm

Is an "investigator" a seer, meaning you peek/check out a player each round to find out their alignment. And if so what is the "strong one" and "weak one"?

Thanks again.
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Cloak Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:27 pm

Some can get their alignment AND their role, others just the alignment. Some can even beat Godfather and Miller and get a correct answer, though usually with a restriction of some kind.

Edit: I think this might be helpful http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Main_Page

Then again, we use custom roles fairly often too.
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Zink120 Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:36 pm

Coming from another Mafia forum I'm sure he knows the basic rules, Cloakmate!
Edit: Just realised you were probs posting that to help with the name differences, sorry!

Shadi, yeah Seer=Investigator. As for weak and strong, I believe it is entirely down to a GM's discretion how they allow the other player to investigate. Strong being GM just tells you the result, weaker being less clear. For example, a variation I remember is a 'Theif', who grabs an item from target player, and thus you try to guess their role or alignment from that. Given how much you know about the theme of the round it may not help at all though.
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Cloak Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:46 pm

Actually, the thief was my idea I think. Shame he died so early.

OH, that reminds me, we have a running curse on the forums.
Survivors are fated to die early, or at the very end, right before winning.
I believe Nale cast the curse to try to keep his Survivor victory the only one, but Axel and Spp have pulled it off.
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Round 45 - Mafia Story Left_bar_bleue415/500Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty_bar_bleue  (415/500)

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Round 45 - Mafia Story Empty Re: Round 45 - Mafia Story

Post by Sponsored content

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