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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Yung Aesthetic
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Nick Soapdish
Leo E.
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Mentle Sun Feb 01, 2015 6:30 pm

As most of you know, DA has been unable to continue his The Sims 2 run due to shitty PC issues. As such, until those issues are fixed, I will gently NTR his idea.

To make things a bit different I will be using The Sims 3 (with as many expansion paks as I can be bothered to install), and this game won't be featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series (I know, but it's a necessary sacrifice).

Since I have never played the game I will be doing a test run until I can understand the new mechanics. When I'm ready I will update this thread any info necessary so you guys can take part in it.

I plan on both adding guests based on voting and a few surprise guests between updates.

Last edited by Mentle on Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:22 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Archer Sun Feb 01, 2015 6:34 pm

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ANV Character
Name: Dente - El Exterminador de Demonios Dos
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Mentle Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:10 pm

Alright, I think I'm ready to give it a shot. Please say that you are "in" in this thread. Just like in DA's thread, I need the following info for anyone interested in joining:

First name


Photo of yourself/physical description (can be done through PMs if you prefer). The Sims 3 lets you choose muscular defnition, muscle size, how fat/slim you are and breast size.

Remember to also describe your hair/facial hair, eye color and if you have freckles.

[You can also choose to make your own character, not based on yourself.]

Zodiac (your real one or whatever you want)

The personality system changed a lot from The Sims 2 to The Sims 3. You are allowed to choose one Lifetime Wish (not much influence over your personality, mostly a reward system), and up to five Traits (Traits without icons are not available). These will define how you act, being the equivalent of the stat system we had in The Sims 1 and 2. Unfortunately, turn-ons and turn-offs were taken out.

The houses are still being built, and the members of each family will be decided by RNG. To avoid a complete sausage fest, at least the first guests added by vote or surprise will be our dear waifus. Better make sure you get her before someone else does...

Edit: also, pick a favorite color, food and music style.

[Signups are open!]

Current Players:
1. Ghost Rider Alpar Shirou
2. Stalin
3. Cael
4. Link
5. Gamage
6. Zyq
7. Massive
8. Soapdish
9. Me, MENTIO!
10. Ratsel
11. Orion
12. Rec
13. Draco
14. Aboi
15. Vat

Episode One: Cena's Squad Settles In
Episode Two: The Final Guest Awakens (Part Wan)
Episode Two: The Final Guest Awakens (Part Two)

House One Guests:
First Guest
First Guest Reveal and Second Guest
Second Guest Reveal
Final Guest
Final Guest Reveal

Last edited by Mentle on Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:26 am; edited 17 times in total
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Archer Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:37 pm

First name: Al

Gender: Male

Looks: PM'd

Zodiac: Libra

Lifetime Wish: Jack-of-all-Trades appealed to me at first but I don't like the negative connotations. Pick either that or Martial Arts Master.

Traits: Athletic (Physical), Loves the Heat (Physical), Good (Lifestyle), Ambitious (Lifestyle), Friendly (Social, closest thing I could find for you people I guess)

Color: Blue
Food: These are so disturbingly unvaried, I'll take Firecracker Shrimp I suppose
Music: Rock, if Geek Rock isn't just general vidya tunes


Last edited by Alpar on Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:43 am; edited 1 time in total
Vintage Guy
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ANV Character
Name: Dente - El Exterminador de Demonios Dos
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by StalinCommander Tue Feb 03, 2015 12:40 am

First name: Stalin


Zodiac: Scorpio

Personality: - Lifetime Wish = World Renowned Surgeon
Traits- Loves the Cold, Clumsy, Easilly Impressed, Ambitious, Vain
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Name: Dr. Vladiovich Von Krusteacov Ruskieman
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Archer Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:40 am

StalinCommander wrote:
Lifetime Wish = World Renowned Surgeon

Everyone's going to die.
Vintage Guy
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Name: Dente - El Exterminador de Demonios Dos
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Left_bar_bleue955/1000Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty_bar_bleue  (955/1000)

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Caelun_Niveus Tue Feb 03, 2015 1:22 pm

Let's do somethign like this...

Name: Lynn
Gender: Female (help against the sausage war)
Looks: Let's go with this, but with some bigger breasts
Zodiac: Picies
Lifetime Wish: The Cat Herder
Traits: Absent Minded, Brooding, Loner, Loves the Cold, Cat Person
Color: Blue
Food: Hambagu
Music: Epic
Final Fight Guy
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ANV Character
Name: Johnny
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Mentle Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:09 pm

Caelun_Niveus wrote:but with some bigger breasts

TIME FOR BIG ANIME TIDDIES. Seriously, what cup? Or around the size of which pair of anime tiddies?
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Link Lab Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:16 pm

First Name: Andrew

Physical Description/Gender: This since the create-a-sim doesn't have the capability to make a female version.

Zodiac: Aries

Lifetime Wish: Scientific Specialist
Traits: Mental - Computer Whiz, Genius; Social - Friendly, Shy, Socially Awkward

Favourites -
Colour: Blue
Food: Pancakes, I guess
Music: Epic

Last edited by Link Lab on Mon Feb 09, 2015 12:05 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : "Girl Link too hard to make" - Sims 3, 2015)
Link Lab
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ANV Character
Name: Eliot Egawa
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Mentle Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:27 pm

Making things clear, seeing that Soapdish was kind of confused yesterday, when I said the first guests would be female, I meant the ones who aren't our own characters.

No need to become a pretty grandma, Soapdish.
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Leo E. Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:44 pm

Link Lab wrote:Cia

Cia you're not as attractive as I remember.
Leo E.
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Link Lab Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:11 pm

Gotta love it when a wireless keyboard doesn't copy the link so you end up with a copy of a link to Link. The right link should be there now.
Link Lab
Link Lab
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ANV Character
Name: Eliot Egawa
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Gam Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:36 pm

Dammit they're beating me to the female characters.

Name: One of my internet aliases or my actual real name (Taylor). Whichever is more fitting given everyone elses names when you make them.

Gender: Female

Lifetime Wish: Hearthbreaker

Traits: Good Sense of Humor, Irresistible, Inappropriate, Night Owl, Over emotional.

Favourite food: Peanut Butter and Jelly
Favorite colour: Aqua or Orange
Favorite music: Pop... (pls no bully)

Edit: Right, I forgot to say my sign is aquarius.

Appearance Description:

Last edited by Gam on Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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ANV Character
Name: Wibli
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Mentle Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:44 pm

The Irresistible trait is not available because I couldn't be bothered to download the university expansion.
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Archer Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:39 pm

>All these female avatars

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Excalibur_face_wip_by_neko_rapha-d36cgcu
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Vintage Guy

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ANV Character
Name: Dente - El Exterminador de Demonios Dos
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Left_bar_bleue955/1000Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty_bar_bleue  (955/1000)

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Gam Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:40 pm

Alpar wrote:
Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Excalibur_face_wip_by_neko_rapha-d36cgcu
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ANV Character
Name: Wibli
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Archer Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:41 pm

Okay fine

Vintage Guy
Vintage Guy

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ANV Character
Name: Dente - El Exterminador de Demonios Dos
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Left_bar_bleue955/1000Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty_bar_bleue  (955/1000)

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Zyquux Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:03 pm

I'll join this.  I'll try to boot up Sims 3 and just paste in stuff from that.

Also, you should use some nraas mods to fix the many issues vanilla Sims 3 has.  Overwatch and ErrorTrap are almost essential to even run it without too many problems.  Saver is also good for auto saves so you don't lose too much when it inevitably crashes.  MasterController and StoryProgression are just useful overall.
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Massive Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:24 pm

First Name: Mass

Gender: Male

Lifetime wish: Celebrated Life Time Chef

Traits: Green Thumb, Natural Cook, Vegetarian, Handy and Shy

Zodiac: Aeris

Looks: PM

Favorites: Purple, Pasta, Ambiance
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Gam Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:33 pm

Mentle wrote:The Irresistible trait is not available because I couldn't be bothered to download the university expansion.
Alright, flirty is basically the same thing so we'll go with that.
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ANV Character
Name: Wibli
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Left_bar_bleue475/500Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty_bar_bleue  (475/500)

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Nick Soapdish Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:42 pm

First name: Soapdish

Gender: male

Zodiac: Libra

Physical: slim, slightly defined, average muscles

Lifetime Wish: Surrounded by Family

Traits: Family-Oriented, Friendly, Good, Nurturing, Inappropriate

Favourites (with a u)
Colour: (remember that u): Aqua
Food: Dim Sum
Music: Chinese
Nick Soapdish
Nick Soapdish
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ANV Character
Name: Cunt Destroyer
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Zyquux Wed Feb 04, 2015 3:53 am

Here's my (rather creepy looking, now that I look at it) Sim. I have some custom sliders, so you might not be able to reproduce it.

Name: Zyquux
Gender: Male
Zodiac: Pisces
Traits: Couch Potato, Good Sense of Humor, Computer Whiz, Evil, Neat
LTW: Become Emperor of Evil
Color: Green
Food: Peanut Butter and Jelly
Music: Electronica
Vintage Guy
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Left_bar_bleue1420/1500Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty_bar_bleue  (1420/1500)

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Mentle Wed Feb 04, 2015 5:59 pm

LinkLab wrote:Ok, so Alpar can't get Geek Rock and Linkle and Lynn need a new trait and lifetime wish from what I can find on those expansions.

Since I don't have all expansions, these changes will be needed.

Edit: You can check in these links the traits and lifetime wishes available for each expansion. The expansions I don't have installed are University Life, Pets and Into the Future, so any traits or lifetime wishes under those expansions are out. Lifetime Wishes are basically irrelevant, but Traits are very important.

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Link Lab Thu Feb 05, 2015 12:12 pm

Ok, so now Linkle's lifetime wish is Monster Maker and unflirty will replace socially awkward.
Link Lab
Link Lab
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ANV Character
Name: Eliot Egawa
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Left_bar_bleue920/1000Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty_bar_bleue  (920/1000)

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Caelun_Niveus Thu Feb 05, 2015 12:28 pm

Mentle wrote:
Caelun_Niveus wrote:but with some bigger breasts

TIME FOR BIG ANIME TIDDIES. Seriously, what cup? Or around the size of which pair of anime tiddies?

Let's go around C cup
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ANV Character
Name: Johnny
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