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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Archer Tue Mar 03, 2015 3:02 pm

Oh yeah other suggestions

Nozaki and Chiyo
Vintage Guy
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Post by Massive Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:11 pm

That or Kakyoin or Mitsuru
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Mentle Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:48 pm

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Gam Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:02 pm

Taylor Swift
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Mentle Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:26 pm

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Zyquux Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:30 pm

Submitting best milf: Sophitia
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by The Mysterious Gourmet Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:01 am

I guess I'll submit Bazett from F/SN.
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Hunter Axel Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:35 am

Something's missing...
I don't know...

Oh wait!:
Hunter Axel
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by StalinCommander Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:53 am

Vegeta's hair is game breaking though.
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Mentle Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:53 am

My internet died for a few days because it is a piece of shit, but I've recorded most of episode three during that time.

For today I will be at least posting pictures of the sims of House Two, as soon as I finish up some work.
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Mentle Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:21 pm

Meet the Cast: House Two (The Soapdish Household).

Andrew Lab, the Hero of Science:

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 ETBK4C9
Because we need to appeal to the female audience.

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Aboi Porky Minch, the Hero we don't need or deserve (young adult because time shenanigans):

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Pmj0CNs

Nick Soapdish, who looks nothing like Soapdish because I wanted to make him an elder sim:

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 7YCa9av
And yes Nick, elder sims are allowed to fuck too.

Jill Sandwich Valentine, no cool hat edition (RE 3):

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 ME9Frh0
She has a weird tearing around her body sometimes, since the proper skin wasn't available for download. Either way I'd still have a piece of this sandwich ifyouknowwhatimean (I mean like sex, Alpar).

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 BMzBLDT
thingen about Barry

Orion X, who looks like a whiter Phoenix for some reason:

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 UMLzUL9
Unfortunately, his usual headgear and moustache aren't available. Thanks EA, you're worse than Michael Jackson, you are no good motherfucker faggot jabroni.

Austin Boi, the cardio los-:

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Looking hueg Abo-

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 JPfVcI3
muh arm day

And finally, Al Park aka Ghost Rider Alpar Shirou aka that guy who plays with condoms aka The King of Manlets aka the guy who was raped by Granberia aka Youmu's husbando aka Nay, Ruto:

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 2amjRk5
Where are you man? The audience is waiting.

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Oh wait, lower the camera please.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 T0k7HNR
Just a bit more.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 GByIy9t
There he is!

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You know, the camera makes you look one feet taller.

So, with our heroes ready, next episode will be out tomorrow, as long as my internet doesn't fuck up again.

Stay tuned!
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Zyquux Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:34 am

Perfection, thy name is House 2.
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Mentle Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:32 pm

Episode Three is here.

House Two: Electric Wrestaloo

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Kok9eKd
Here they come!

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 HxnPNmU
Alpar and Porky are the first to enter.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 NpwKIDQ
Soapdish is having trouble entering the house with the pile of muscles called Aboi blocking the way and twisting his own arm.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 TFIWlQY
...what is this thing? I don't remember building that.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Na5fC5i

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 MOMyPtL
Huh, a basement. Well, Porky went straight for it.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 IjytZAG
It seems he's the only one with access to it too. I'm sure that's nothing to worry about.

Everybody is hungry, so Orion decides to cook a nice meal.

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This oven sure is loud.

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Fantastic teamwork, guys. Everyone is still hungry and a new oven was bought after Jill put out the flames, so Aboi decides to show how it's done.

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 PhelmFN
Meanwhile, Andrew and Alpar are having fun with a pillow fight.

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I think.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Y5NgmrG
Link is infuriated because Alpar only uses...
...wait for it...

...low blows.*


Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 5nITgyn
"You got this mad just because I hit you with a pillow, Andrew? I guess you didn't enjoy..."

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 JQAVAo5

"...Link's Awakening!"

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 DMoIzd8
Since Aboi did such an amazing work with the waffles, Orion decides to cook somthing else.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 BOz8uez
And of course, Alpar is not the first person to start drawing.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 PxP8xKR
Don't ask me about his hand, why the book got bigger or why Aboi of all people would be reading.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 GhdVs54
Also, you guys decided it was a good idea to have bees.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 BJrsbB6
Due to Aboi's hand glitch, his cell phone was converted into an iPad. We all know how much he likes Apple's products.

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I don't know the kind of shots Iron Sheik was shooting here, but it seems to have destroyed Soapdish inside.

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Every time.

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This is supposed to be Soapdish whispering a secret near his ear.

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Jill is suspicious of Alpar. What kind of virus mutated his body to those proportions? Is he related to Salazar?

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 KV1wIyk
I also gave Alpar a rank in the martial arts skill since he is a weeb.

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 ZRsdFPl
Fuck your work, Orion.

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 ZJrGd8Z
Your work!

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 TETgXu8
Orion: "Oh well, just another regular day."

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 FtyDlq8
Alpar are u ok

Sheik decides to join the fun!

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 BkfTFGA
Oh well, this is awkward.

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Nope, still gets me.

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Of course, Aboi is the first of the cardiofags.

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Good luck painting the top part.

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Sheik still making friends.

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 FneANQ8
"Is she trying to steal my gainz?"

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Gambljg
All fucking evil sims like to spam this action, holy shit.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 GJXE016

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 ZcUOlvp
Damn Aboi, those leg exercises sure are working.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 KW1dNqs
"No. I don't know what is this, butt I don't like it."

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Quality AI picks the best spots to watch TV.

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 LaH06Lt
"Why are your chest muscles so big and round? What exercises do you do?"

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Z33eIag
Still awkward.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 U68iyWC
"Gramps, look at what I can do with my legs!"
"You call those things 'legs'?"

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Guydtlp
Well, it's been a long day, and it's time for a well deserved rest. Porky barely left that basement though, I wonder what he's up to...

A few hours later...:

S O O N, in BR Tendency:

Episode Four: A Machine for Pigs
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Archer Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:02 pm

I honestly wish I could provide a valid criticism but honestly this is just perfect as you're doing it. Every line is great.
Vintage Guy
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by StalinCommander Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:05 am

Iron Sheik is amazing.
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Zyquux Sat Mar 14, 2015 1:22 am

Evil Sims make everything more interesting.
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Link Lab Sat Mar 14, 2015 5:33 am

I love how during the fire, everyone was shouting about the food. Also, did someone steal Jill's clothes or something?
Link Lab
Link Lab
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Nick Soapdish Sat Mar 14, 2015 9:37 am

Thanks Ment that was amazing. I really needed that laugh.

Jill getting undressed after 5 minutes and saving the day. The fire. Iron Sheik upsetting everyone. More fire. Alpar's legs in the couch. Karate Alpar. Watching TV from the 2nd couch. All amazing.

I hope my Tom Hanks Indiana Jones gets to have sex with Jill.

I'm glad I didn't read that at work cause I was audibly laughing hard.
Nick Soapdish
Nick Soapdish
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Mentle Sat Mar 14, 2015 1:46 pm

Don't worry guys, Jill's clothes are fine. That's just what the creator set as her exercise clothes, which the AI changes automatically before working out. The AI seems to only change back if there's another trigger (like going to work or to the pool), and that's how John Cena spent three days shirtless.

Edit: Post 666 wasted on John Cena.

Also, update:

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Mentle Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:14 pm

They have arrived:

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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by StalinCommander Sun Mar 15, 2015 6:40 pm

The Boss with The Rock.

I'm going to presume that their last names are both The
Guy in Charge
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Mentle Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:12 pm

Episode Four is here!

House Two: A Machine For Pigs

Thanks to the skills of Jill, the Master of Unlocking, we were finally able to check out the basement that only Porky has access to.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 IIOzRYy

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 UCLQcsd

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 8tv285O

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 CCr8nyW
Wow, he's a manchild and a nerd, who expected that. Pretty sweet basement though.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Ip3AIvJ
Watching this guy is making me grow a neckbeard, let's check out what exciting adventures the rest of the house is up to!

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Ttv4sex

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 EYSfIfG
Wow. Get hype.

You fagets are fucking useless. Back to the neckbeard.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Fb4INcG
He's working on a metal egg of some sort? I hope Iron Sheik bullies this ner-wait a second.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 QcHUuvf

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 MiCIBKi
Is it his only friend? Perhaps his waifu? Why would he make his waifu 3D? This man is a mystery.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 ZjxPRyW
Well, I guess he's also fucking useless. Let's advance time and go back to the house.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 DenLudy
Jill fixes the toilet after Alpar's huge dump clogs it up. How was someone so small the first one to clog the toilet? I guess the answer is Alpar.

Let's check how many other ways Alpar found to shame himself today.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 HVJbnA0

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 5dlB3ny
Using his natural christian abilities, Alpar starts walking on the bathtub's water and the power of Christ compels Iron Sheik to leave.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 QGFL7mP
"That fucking asian manlet, I swear to god..."

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 KfKp02P
Jill has been learning the handy skill and has no trouble doing the dirty work.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Guydtlp

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 3kGtlVV
I'm sure that Porky using chemicals is nothing to worry about.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 IV3BIlb

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 OlucboV
I bet the Nesses did this!

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 YQxscJG

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 SbDJpNt
Link Lab? More like LINK LOSER! #REKD4LYFE

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 8fxIqWq

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 NRCG3Tn
I have no idea.

Alpar decides to show his cooking skills by making a big meal for everyone, behold:


Yeah, I think we should just let Aboi cook before everyone dies out of starvation. We all know how much he likes to eat and he goes to /ck/, he knows how to do this.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 NQYIUZx
Fuck right off.

I guess the /ck/ he visited stood for "/cock/", because he sure as hell didn't learn shit.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 V7z6pm4
After a quick snack, Aboi wonders if he should do the dishes or let Orion keep doing all the work. In the end he decides to do it, since he needs clean plates to eat more.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 WylizOv
We've got a dishwasher and a kitchen sink and this dumb asshole washes the dishes in the bathroom.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Ne72Ewb
Orion randomly decides to piss his pants in front of Aboi.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 BGa7QmX
oh bby

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 P1km40d

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 GBKgoCs
ayy lmao bby

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 1im9A0M

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 E4KRRJc
I bet the Weskers did this.

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 BlqLehl
More cardio, I guess. Let's go to the basement again...

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 LxjnmZg

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 G9oIRjv

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 OP5WT6G

Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 TRizpHQ
Porky literally made a new friend, I guess. Welcome to the house, Piggie 1.0!

Next episode might take a while because I'll be busy during the following weeks. I hope you guys enjoyed, don't forget to like and subscribe.
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Zyquux Sun Mar 22, 2015 7:46 pm

Aboi and Alpar doing cardio? I didn't know this was going to be so accurate.
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Leo E. Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:11 pm

Mentle wrote:I hope you guys enjoyed, don't forget to like and subscribe.

>Could've signed off like cr1tikal
Leo E.
Leo E.
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Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized - Page 4 Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims Beta: BR Tendency - The DA is being plagiarized

Post by Nick Soapdish Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:59 pm

Jill is mine Alpar. I'm not sharing no Jill Sandwich with you.
I will be the master of unlocking of her pants.
She and I and the aliens will have glorious human/alien babies.
Nick Soapdish
Nick Soapdish
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