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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by DA Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:55 am

Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched APBA_zpsab3ba853
Episode Guide:
Welcome, one and all, to that one thing I've been teasing and planning for the past few weeks!

Here's how it goes:
A bunch of unlucky members of this place will be submitted to heinous acts of torture, logical fallacies, arson, partial nudity and intense bigotry living together in the same household using The Sims 2. Specifically, The Sims 2 with:

  • Nightlife (adds a downtown and cars... also vampirism)
  • Family Fun Stuff (adds couple of family fun shenanigans)
  • Seasons (adds Seasons... duh)
  • Mansion and Garden Stuff (adds exactly what it says on the tin)

But of course, we can't fit that many people into a single house, can we?
So we're making this 3 families! UPDATE: 3 because I dun goof'd

Family 1 (Mostly related)
Soapdish - Grandpa
Phoenix - Dad
Diabeetus-tan - Mom
Alpar - Older Brother
Scept - Younger Brother
Draco - Uncle
DA - Cousin

Family 2 (DEFINITELY Not Related)
Leo - Girl next door
Vat - Babysitter
Orion - Babysitter
Rofl - Friend of Alpar
spp - Alpar's best friend
Mentle - Bully that steals waifus
Yoshi - Santa Claus

Family 3 (Not related at all)
Spoons - Sparkly Tomboy
Nale - Neigborhood Doofus
Tael - Rofl's rousing, riveting rival
Stalin - Lord Error Prone
Cloak - ???
Gamage - The allegedly kawaii motherfucker
Link - Hero of Science

"But DA!" you might say "How can we be so sure it's us?"
That's where you come in!
I'm gonna need some help in the Create-a-Sim thing, so here's the rundown (lazily copied and pasted from courtesy of my good old "friend: MistypedNaem)
Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Op002
Here's where you pick your name, gender, age (we'll all be adults, except for Soapdish (elder) and someone else who I'll mention below), skin tone (the asterisk is DLC skins, so no can do) and body type: Thin and Not so Thin.
Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Op003
Here's where the fun starts: The face builder! It's highly comprehensive, so excuse me if I fuck up trying to build your faces (also, windowed mode doesn't work). You can choose from any of the hairstyle up there. As for the eyes, you can choose to have brown, green, grey, light blue or dark blue eyes. And look! It even comes with HATS!
Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Op004
also, facial hair and accessories are here too.
And finally, the most important aspect...
Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Op005
Building the Character's Character. You can choose aspirations, personality, and Turn-ons/Turn-offs (THAT'S WHAT YOU FIND KINKY AND WHAT YOU DON'T FIND KINKY, ALPAR)
Let's look at these one by one, yes?

Self-explanatory, really. Choose the one from your birth date or whatever

Pleasure: The lazy asses of the Sim world. These people are insufferable manchildren who just want to have fun and be lazy all day long.

Family: The Family man/woman who tries to do their best for the family... and have millions upon millions of kids and grandkids.

Romance: Think of it as GRATUITOUS AMOUNTS OF LUST. Their 5 year mission: To explore strange new kinks. To seek out new couples and harems. To boldly come where no man has come before. (YES MENTLE, YOUR NTR-LADEN LIFE WILL AUTOMATICALLY GIVE YOU THIS)

Knowledge: They say Knowledge is power. Well, these guys take it to the max! Prone to many kinds of shenanigans due to their curiosity and their desire to know.
Also, they're kinda crazy.


Popularity: Like the Romance aspiration, but replace banging with friendship. These guys just want friends. Lots of 'em.

Self explanatory, really. You get 25 points which you distribute around

Turn Ons & Offs:
You get two turn ons and one turn off. Here is a list of available kinks:

* Black Hair
* Blond Hair
* Brown Hair
* Cologne/Perfume
* Custom Hair (as in, DLC or Mods)
* Facial Hair
* Full face make-up
* Fatness
* Fitness
* Formal Wear
* Glasses
* Grey Hair
* Red Hair
* Stink
* Swim Wear
* Underwear
* Vampirism
* Plantsim
* Makeup (regular, not full-face)
* Hats (we tf2 now)
* Jewelry
* Hard Worker
* Unemployed
* Logical
* Charismatic
* Great Cook
* Mechanical
* Creative
* Athletic
* Good at cleaning
* Zombism
* Robots (HEY ROFL!)
* Lycanthropy
* Witchiness

And what I want you to do is to simply fill out this form with however you want to create your character. It doesn't have to necessarily be the same gender as you (unless you're Phoenix, Diabeetus-tan and Alpar). Heck, we have considered making Leo a girl before, but it's his choice in the end after all.

Here's the form:
First name:
Photo of yourself/physical description (This doesn't have to be the real you, just to make that clear - you could make a completely separate persona for this thread, but it would have your name for the sake of clarity. Also, if for some reason you do not want to show/describe yourself here, you can tell me via PM):
Personality (here's a handy template if you want to use it):

Here's my stab at this

I will need everyone mentioned in the two families to fill these out.
"But DA! I want in, too!", you say. Well, fill the form if you want to. I might be able to do a 3rd house somewhere down the line. But I'm not sure who should be the resident of that house.

...Oh yeah! Almost forgot to mention. These two houses won't just be regular houses! They're inhabited! First off, lemme give you an overview of the houses...

House 1:
Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Snapshot_00000004_1f2c0232_zps8441e4e6
Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Snapshot_00000004_7f2c024a_zps7a69dfbd
A fairly small, but normal, single-story house, built for a fairly normal lifestyle... unless said lifestyle involves us.
Top view:
Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Snapshot_00000004_3f2c0278_zpse467fcdb
You may notice there is only one bathroom, and it is quite tiny.
Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Snapshot_00000004_df2c02c0_zps50eafaae
...well, yeah. You hafta deal with it.
Also, look on the bright side! The main resident of the house is none other than that charming fellow, Dante!
Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched LwRoM3x
...what? You thought I was joking with that "Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry" series? HAHAHA! This house is getting CUHRAYZEE!!

that is... until you look at the quite lovely...

House 2:
Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Snapshot_00000004_df2c0145_zps00e3296f
1st floor:
Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Snapshot_00000004_5f2c011a_zps423debde
2nd floor:
Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Snapshot_00000004_bf2c0114_zpsfae7461d
It has everything a house has to offer AND MORE! It has TWO WHOLE BATHROOMS!
What more could you want?! It's the perfect house!

...except for just one small detail...
The current resident of that house is none other than...
Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched 1355624474902
Donte the Demon Killah! Has a nice ring to it, dontcha think?

So what will you choose? A life of pleasure ruined by a single obnoxious teenager? Or have someone with more than half a brain in your hose, but having only one, easily breakable toilet?

...actually, you won't decide. You know who will?
Your friendly neighborhood RNGODESS!
Once all the characters mentioned above are done, I'll begin the RNG process. One family will live with Dante on his small house, while another one will live on the luxurious house.. with Donte.

I think... that's about it? Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines! Prepare to see commotion in motion!

Last edited by DA on Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:49 am; edited 7 times in total
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Archer Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:59 am

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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by lazy-spoon Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:50 am

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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by grashbar Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:33 am

oh god this will never end well for anyone
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Name: Walker Gallier
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Scept Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:22 pm

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Name: Lynn
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Yoshi Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:53 pm

Dis gonna be gewd~
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Hunter Axel Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:53 pm

*clears throat*

Coming this season, a story unlike that you've ever heard before.

A tale of two homes, one neighborhood, and the shame that ties them together...

Al de Par stars as Alpar in one of the most anticipated motion pictures this year.

It is a story of love...
Nick: "Bite the pillow, I'm going in dry"

Alpar: "HAY MUM."
Vat: "Not now, mommy's reading her sex games."

And the bizarre sense of friendship that keeps them together...
Diabeetus-tan: ALPAR PLS

Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series!
Dante: "This looks like it could be a cuhrayzee party!"
Donte: "Fuck you!"

...and that other kid...

Boredman DA Studios presents:

Alpar's Bizarre Adventure!
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Archer Fri Aug 30, 2013 6:11 pm

Hunter Axel wrote:Alpar's Bizarre Adventure!

Also wow, you actually do some pretty neat narration.

Speaking of Jojo, I hope we get a whole episode where DA posts in Duwang.
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Zyquux Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:05 pm

Hopping on this hype train.
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by DA Sat Aug 31, 2013 5:05 am

Updated the OP to reflect that we're almost done! Now we need your help!
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Archer Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:23 pm


First name: Alpar. Or Al if we're going with real names

Gender: Male

Photo: DA I sent'cha one a while ago

Zodiac: Libra

Aspiration: Popularity

Personality: From top to bottom


Turn on: Fitness, only one I can really say is a turn on for me

Turn offs: I wish I could fit two, but I'll have to go with stink.


also dat logo
10/10, DA
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Mentle Sat Aug 31, 2013 4:31 pm

DA wrote:The current resident of that house is none other than...
Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched 1355624474902
Donte the Demon Killah! Has a nice ring to it, dontcha think?

Ok, here's the real one:

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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Leo E. Sat Aug 31, 2013 6:52 pm

So are you actually casting me as a female character? Because I need to do some appearance changes if that's the case.
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by lazy-spoon Sat Aug 31, 2013 7:14 pm

First name: Spoons
Gender: Female
physical description:
medium height (5'6), long pink hair, black glasses, green eyes, thin, and over all kawaii as fuck
Zodiac: Libra
Aspiration: Pleasure or Popularity (haven't decided)
Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched H2LE2CU
Turn-ons: Charismatic and Formal Wear
Turn-off: Stink
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Archer Sat Aug 31, 2013 7:42 pm

Leo E. wrote:So are you actually casting me as a female character? Because I need to do some appearance changes if that's the case.
read da op brutha

he says it's your choice.
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Dracojounin7 Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:08 pm

First name: Draco or Adam
Gender: Male
Photo of yourself/physical description: 6'2"/188 cm, slightly muscular frame, older photo (really bad one ;_;):
Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Jul+11%252C+2013+6%253A35%253A28+PM
Zodiac: Gemini
Aspiration: Family or Romance
Turn-ons: Charismatic, Creative
Turn-off: Stink

Last edited by Dracojounin7 on Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:56 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Archer Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:29 pm

Draco you dun goof'd for personality, you need to make it add up to 25.
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Not_anon Sun Sep 01, 2013 3:54 am

DA wrote:(the asterisk is DLC skins, so no can do)
>DLC skins

That's some custom skin shit bruddha. Sims community would murder your ass for calling it anything else since it's skins made by the community and not by EA. Basically anything with the asterisk is mods or skins... all that shit.

Anyways yeah me not being included in one of my favorite games sucks but i don't hang around here often s-so it's okay.

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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by DA Sun Sep 01, 2013 4:52 am

Not_anon wrote:That's some custom skin shit bruddha. Sims community would murder your ass for calling it anything else since it's skins made by the community and not by EA. Basically anything with the asterisk is mods or skins... all that shit.
>dlc means downloadable content
>you download those custom skins
>it's downloadable
>the content is those skins
>ergo, it's downloadable content

excuse you

also, I said you can drop in your info and I might use it if I have the chance to make a third house, m8.
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Leo E. Sun Sep 01, 2013 5:13 am

Reminder that I am half-asleep so I probably fucked something up somewhere.

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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Zyquux Sun Sep 01, 2013 7:31 am

I'll give this a shot when I'm not dead tired. Maybe I'll make my persona the Heavy mixed in with some of real me.
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Scept Sun Sep 01, 2013 8:53 am

Aww, come on Alpar. How come DA gets a picture?

Anywhosits, here's my description:

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Name: Lynn
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Archer Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:18 am

Just fyi Scept, I sent my picture to those who sent their own.
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by StalinCommander Sun Sep 01, 2013 5:43 pm

Oh yeah I should do this thing

Firstname: Stalin
Gender: Male
Apperance: https://sphotos-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/q77/s720x720/5725_535260023178473_1156124609_n.jpg
Aspiration: Fortune
Zodiac: Scorpio
Pesonality: 2 points sloppy
9 points outgoing
2 points lazy
7 points playful
5 points nice
Turn ons: Formal Wear, Fitness
Turn Offs: Stink
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Name: Dr. Vladiovich Von Krusteacov Ruskieman
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Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched Empty Re: Halolz Mafia Sims - The audience is being watched

Post by Archer Sun Sep 01, 2013 5:51 pm

Halolz mafia: Where everybody's one turn off is Stink.
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