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Round 69: Chaos Rising

Link Lab
French Connections
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Rainboy Sun Feb 02, 2014 5:52 pm

Disclaimer: This game is entitled Chaos Rising (and yes, it's an MLP game). As such, I have tried to make it accurately reflect its name, though I have gone to great pains to try and ensure you all shouldn't feel any more 'lost' in the game than in one of your usual games. I've tried to be pretty conservative in what I allow myself to do here; there are a bunch of things that I would have liked to have done, but decided against to keep this game more like what you all are used to seeing.

That said, this is still going to be a reasonably strange game by your standards. I strongly suggest you read the rules below. I know they're really long, but that's just because I've tried to be detailed about how I host so there aren't any surprises. Hopefully, I've been up front about most of the things you may find weird.


[signups open]

Last edited by Rainboy on Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:55 pm; edited 18 times in total
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Rainboy Sun Feb 02, 2014 5:52 pm

Book One: Shadows
Prologue: Ashes to Ashes

When the elements of harmony were forged in the name of friendship and unity, each of the six elements were given to a holder to use their power for good, and in combination with the other five. Two young heirs to the Canterlot throne were given elements; Celestia was given Kindness, and Luna was given Loyalty. The odd one of the group, Discord, was given Laughter, and Generosity was held by Prince Sombra. Chrysalis was given Honesty and the sixth element, Magic, was held by the wizard Starswirl. The six fought together in every battle, growing stronger the more they battled. No force could defeat them, and Equestria was peaceful for centuries... until everything changed...

It started with Starswirl. In the would-be final battle against the last clutches of the darkness, the great wizard was tricked and slain by the Shadow. The remaining five retreated and mourned their fallen friend bitterly. Crushed by the loss of his dearest friend, Sombra swore to avenge Starswirl. In a heated rage, the prince assaulted the very throne of darkness, despite his friends' pleas of caution. Sombra prevailed, but his wrath was too great and the Shadow saw its chance to escape. Seeking refuge in Sombra himself, the Shadow consumed Sombra through his bitterness, turning the young prince's heart to stone and changing him into a shadow of his former self.

Next came Chrysalis, queen of the crystal ponies, who in despair turned to dark magic to save her home when it was assaulted by Sombra and the Shadow. As the Nightmare ravaged her body and soul, she found that her dark enchantments undermined her own plans. The Nightmare feasted on her despair. In horror, she realized what she had done. Chrysalis shed a single tear as she too was consumed by darkness. Devoid of the love she had once used to protect her kingdom, her twisted mind concluded that it must be stolen from those who still had it. She set her heart on Discord, who desperately loved Celestia. With a cold determination and steeled resolve, the new queen of the Changelings began to plot her assault on Discord's mind...

[story Book One: Shadows, Prologue: Ashes to Ashes]

Last edited by Rainboy on Sun Feb 02, 2014 6:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Cloak Sun Feb 02, 2014 6:32 pm

Sounds cool, [in]
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue415/500Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (415/500)

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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Tael Sun Feb 02, 2014 6:48 pm

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Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue320/400Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (320/400)
Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue970/1000Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (970/1000)

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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by MrNaleIt Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:46 pm

[insert 69 joke here]


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Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue490/500Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (490/500)

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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Rainboy Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:34 pm

Oh, and the rules this game are negotiable. If people feel like it's too much, I'm quite willing to back off the throttle a little. Discussion and questions are welcomed, so long as we don't degrade into complaining.
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by French Connections Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:44 pm

[in] :D
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Scept Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:57 pm

Sure, why not. [in]
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue520/600Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (520/600)
Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue1400/1500Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (1400/1500)


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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Caelun_Niveus Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:14 pm


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Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue520/600Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (520/600)
Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue1500/1500Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (1500/1500)

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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Zyquux Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:48 pm

Story sounds cool, plus ponies!

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Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue380/600Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (380/600)
Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue1420/1500Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (1420/1500)

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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by MrNaleIt Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:54 pm

Rainboy wrote:
part 1:

part 2:
Uh. for the part 1 spoilered thingy, I'm not sure if this will be a good idea because we are stubborn folk. And can you dumb it down a lot for part 2? I have no idea what you meant for a lot of it.
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue800/800Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (800/800)
Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue490/500Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (490/500)

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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by French Connections Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:27 am

For part 1 Rain, you may want to make it take effect immediately after 24 hours. Most people will have voted by the end of the round, so I feel that a 2 day wait before the cap goes down is a bit unnecessary.

And Nale, I believe Part 2 means that there will 2 phases to the game (with a half-time where everyone gets re-rolled).
French Connections
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Link Lab Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:18 am

Link Lab
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue400/400Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (400/400)
Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue920/1000Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (920/1000)

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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Rainboy Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:49 am

@Nale - Fair point. I want the reduction to be more of a incentive to close a round than a means for the mafia to have their way with it. I'll take French's suggestion and bump the reduction down to 24h.

As far as the phase thing, think of this as two separate games that are connected to eachother. Winning the first one will provide an advantage in the second. That's basically all you really need to get out of that.
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Gam Mon Feb 03, 2014 12:16 pm

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Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue775/800Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (775/800)
Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue475/500Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (475/500)

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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Zink120 Mon Feb 03, 2014 1:56 pm

Well don't this sound groovy. [in]
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by StalinCommander Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:11 pm

-War Flashbacks. Nethernet. FoxyCleopatra.-

Regardless, this seems right up my alley.

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Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue308/400Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (308/400)
Round 69: Chaos Rising Left_bar_bleue920/1000Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty_bar_bleue  (920/1000)

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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Shadi Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:17 am

Rain forced me >_>
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Rainboy Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:58 am

Shadi wrote:Rain forced me >_>

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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by French Connections Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:42 am

Btw just so I have an idea: when do signups end? I can't see it anywhere. :P
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Rainboy Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:53 am

I'm aiming to start things up Friday, currently. Might have to put it off until Saturday if I need to balance the setup for fewer players.
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Rainboy Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:30 am

I was really hoping for a few more than 12. Anyone know of anyone else they might be able to bug into playing?

If not, I'll start reworking the setup to accommodate for fewer players.
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by French Connections Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:41 am

I'll ask Pufferfish; no promises though as she's quite busy.
French Connections
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Zink120 Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:53 am

Maybe someone should PM iceturtle? He didn't get to play much... But he had enthusiasm!
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by French Connections Thu Feb 06, 2014 7:57 pm

No luck Rain, you may need to wrap it up for 12. :/
French Connections
French Connections
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Round 69: Chaos Rising Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

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