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Round 69: Chaos Rising

Link Lab
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Rainboy Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:47 pm

Will do. Might be able to bug MMage and/or Hater into playing, but prospects are slim for that as well.

Oh well.
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by HATER Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:47 pm

Meh. [in]

Because AP Liquid Raeg.
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Rainboy Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:03 am

Hokay, sorry I'm late. School project took longer than expected.

Roles comin' out shortly.

[signups closed]
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Rainboy Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:22 am

Book One: Shadows
Chapter Zero: Constellations

Celestia quietly mourned, as she had for the past three days. She had never before known such loss, such pain and agony. She could tell Discord and Luna were also hurt, but her own feelings of loss overpowered any motivation to comfort her sister and friend. Starswirl... Sombra... Chrysalis... all needlessly lost to the Nightmare. It was all Celestia could do to keep her hurt from decaying into the same bitterness that cost Sombra his body and soul. If she could just hold on... just make sense of it all...

Discord quietly watched Celestia from a nearby hill. So beautiful, and so much more than he could dream. It hurt him to see her this way. He couldn't help but think that this was somehow his fault. If he had only been more persuasive with Sombra, or even a little more wary when the darkness had tricked Starswirl. Now he just wanted to go to Celestia, to comfort her and in turn have her comfort him, but she had forbade anyone to approach her these last few days. The very love that compelled him to go to her held him back out of respect for her wishes. As he silently shed his tears in loneliness, a soothing whisper softly reverberated through his mind...

She doesn't love you, it sweetly echoed through his mind, look at her pathetic sorrow; she loves those who are forever lost more than one who would return her love.

Discord blinked and shook his head, wondering where the thought had come from. It was wrong, of course; Celestia knew that he loved her, that he would do anything for her, even stay away.  She was everything to him, and-

If she loves you, why does she ignore you? Why does she reject your comfort and remove herself from you? Can she not see that you're hurting too? Are you so blind that you can't see her rejection?

Discord didn't know what to think about that. Confusion mingled with fear started to creep into his mind and a shiver shot up his spine. He knew his own grief and guilt had clouded his judgment, that he couldn't trust his own thoughts at a time like this, but he couldn't escape the nagging feeling that these thoughts were on to something.

And what are you going to do about it...?

But Discord wasn't the only one watching the scene unfold that night. Two others watched from a safe distance, careful not to interfere.

"Now?" the winged one asked eagerly.
"Not yet," the tall one calmly replied, "this point is still fixed. There's nothing we can do yet. All we can do for now is watch and wait..."

R0 has started and will end when the evil team selects a player to attack.

[story Book One: Shadows, Chapter Zero: Constellations]
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Tael Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:43 am

[vote zyq] (not day)
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Zyquux Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:29 am

Tael wrote:[vote zyq] (not day)

Not day yet, waiting on the DAAAAAAAARKNEEESSSSSSSSS.
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by HATER Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:16 am

Zyquux wrote:
Tael wrote:[vote zyq] (not day)

Not day yet, waiting on the DAAAAAAAARKNEEESSSSSSSSS.

Nocturne? Is that you?
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by French Connections Sun Feb 09, 2014 6:25 am

Vote no lynch please.
On phone, formatting is too hard. ;P
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Link Lab Sun Feb 09, 2014 6:43 am

Using the bot isn't that hard on the phone. Also, we're still waiting on the Mafia to attack someone before we can vote.
Link Lab
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Caelun_Niveus Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:02 am

[vote no lynch]

might as well throw that down while waiting on the bot and other players.
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Rainboy Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:12 pm

Seems there's a little confusion. Voting is closed until the evil team chooses an initial attack. I'll hard cap that at 9PM EST (~7 hours from now). If the evil team hasn't gotten back to me by then, the game will continue without an initial attack.
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Zyquux Sun Feb 09, 2014 6:15 pm

HATER wrote:
Zyquux wrote:
Tael wrote:[vote zyq] (not day)

Not day yet, waiting on the DAAAAAAAARKNEEESSSSSSSSS.

Nocturne? Is that you?

Twist: The LoL game didn't actually end and Nocturne is the last mafia.
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Caelun_Niveus Sun Feb 09, 2014 6:44 pm

So... the mafia get a free nightkill before we even get a chance to lynch anyone?
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by StalinCommander Sun Feb 09, 2014 7:45 pm

Cael did you read the first post?
It's not a nightkill, more like a roleblock.
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue920/1000Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (920/1000)

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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Rainboy Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:02 pm

Book One: Shadows
Chapter One: Shadows

It was all Celestia could do to raise the sun this morning. Such trivially easy tasks seemed so hopelessly difficult now. Pointless, even. What hope was there when the darkness only fed on their feeble attempts to overthrow it? I'm losing track of myself, she thought to herself. Celestia noticed Luna for the first time then. How long her sister had been there, quietly waiting for her sister to accept her comfort, Celestia didn't know. Celestia accepted the gesture of kindness and nestled closer to her sister in the early morning sun. She wouldn't let herself give in, not after all the battles that had been fought in the name of harmony and order. Not after three of her friends had been lost in the pursuit of this one goal.

See, the voice relentlessly continued, she accepts her sister's comfort but not yours. She sees you as a monster, unworthy of comforting her despite your love for her.

Discord was bewildered. He'd wrestled with his emotions and thoughts long into the night. Unaware of the true extent of the battle within, Discord was slowly losing himself. The battle raged and he found himself less and less able to do anything but ponder Celestia's apparent rejection of his love these last days. The pain of this new realization seared through his mind. He felt forced to accept his thoughts as true; every time Celestia glanced his way he saw nothing but anger in her eyes. Anger at him. It couldn't be, yet the voice in his head told him it must. Discord embraced the darkness then. Not consciously, but a part of him died that day.

As the battle raged just beneath Discords consciousness, his love for Celestia slowly faded into resentment and bitterness. He saw her for what she really was: manipulative and ultimately heartless. A facade of Kindness concealing a heart of cold stone. He couldn't believe he'd fallen for it, couldn't believe the pain he felt even now. How had he let himself grow so attached to her? Even now her cruel spell wreaked havoc in his heart, and he hated himself for the pain he felt.

Celestia stirred after a refreshing night's sleep. Luna had recently left to start lowering her moon, and Celestia started to raise the sun in its place. Celestia felt much better today; she was prepared to fight the nightmare wherever it might rear its ugly head.

"No," the tall one said, holding his companion back.
"But they're hurting," the winged one protested, "we have to help them!"
"If you help these two now, everything will be lost. Soon," the tall one whispered, "very soon."
The winged one softly squealed with anticipation.

Link has been attacked and injured.
7 votes are required for an instalynch.

[story Book One: Shadows, Chapter One: Shadows]
[injure Link]
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Scept Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:14 pm

[vote Cloak]
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue1400/1500Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (1400/1500)


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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Caelun_Niveus Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:15 am

[vote no lynch].

We really haven't had a round of voting yet, so I'm hesitant to throw accusations.
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Zyquux Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:07 am

obligatory [vote stalin] for ruses
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Shadi Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:23 am

[Vote French]
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Link Lab Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:29 am

I had a gut feeling that would happen. I guess I'll be back tomorrow. Here's hoping we get Darkness quickly.
Link Lab
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Zyquux Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:36 am

Link Lab wrote:I had a gut feeling that would happen. I guess I'll be back tomorrow. Here's hoping we  get Darkness quickly.
inb4 Link is mafia, and they targeted him as an elaborate ruse
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by French Connections Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:41 am

Sadly I'm with Zyq on this one. It sounds like a ruse worthy of Link. That said, it's R1, which means that I'll be going with my standard [vote nolynch].
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by StalinCommander Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:22 pm

As much as I detest Both No lynching and voting day 1
this set up means that if I don't it'll probably take a damn while.

[Vote Nolynch]
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue920/1000Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (920/1000)

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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by Rainboy Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:03 am

6 votes are now required for instalynch. This number will go down by one each day at 10PM EST.
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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

Post by HATER Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:10 am

[vote shadi]

Fuck sheeping on a nolynch - it gives us zero information as to voting alignments if everyone votes for it.

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Round 69: Chaos Rising - Page 2 Empty Re: Round 69: Chaos Rising

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Sponsored content

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